i'm starting to understand why I got a team that is in 5th place...
...probably the previous owner gave up the game because 5th place (seems/is) a major setback for your team.
I wonder....
would he have signed in again to get an other team, or did he leave the game entirely? ... or will he wait for a few weeks so he gets his new team at the start of the season?
Maybe something to look closely at by the BBs.
If not, many owners might abandon their 5th placed team, just to start over with a new one in better circumstances.
My call would be to put time in solving the setback for 5th placed teams, and not spend too much time on hunting quitters who look to start again.
E.G. scedule exhibition matches for them that attrackt as many spectators as the play-off matches would. Which also trains the players. The oposing team can either be fictional (no real match is played, but your players get realistic minutes of playtime, and you get a realistic income from the match) or a random opponent troughout the world that happened to end in 5th place as well. In this last case, a real match is played...
Maybe some other solutions might minimize the effect of 5th place. All sugestions are welcome I'm sure.
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.