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Site Locked up during my players bidding battle.

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From: Izaman
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Date: 8/28/2010 2:30:32 PM
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About 3/4 different players were bidding for my player(8179115) when the site starts running slow. when the site comes back too, my player estimated at 1 mill is stuck on the last bid of 430,600 before the site starts acting up.

So i take a potential 300k loss on a player because of the site running slow?

That really really bites, hard.

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
From: Izaman

This Post:
155448.2 in reply to 155448.1
Date: 8/28/2010 2:32:51 PM
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I spend too long training this player to have his sale go like this.

Man, what can you do when you spend 2 seasons plus training a player and a computer glitch costs you as much as 500k when you try to sell the guy.

man i am so frustrated right now, im not sure what to do. Ugh!!

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
This Post:
155448.3 in reply to 155448.1
Date: 8/28/2010 2:33:03 PM
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Ouch, that sucks. That player would have sold for more than double that!
I guess the guy that bought it is very happy.
Unfortunately there is probably nothing that can be done about this. It shouldn't happen, but it is part of the risk managers have to take when they list a player at a lower price.

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155448.4 in reply to 155448.3
Date: 8/28/2010 2:37:47 PM
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The risk?

Thats garbage. If there is a computer glitch, extend the deadline by 10 mins.

Ive listed this guy like 4/5 times and couldnt get a bid.

And i was watching the process to make sure if he didnt sell for enough, i could buy him back.

but for the most import 3 mins, i couldnt even pull up his player page.

Man, i am LIVID.

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
This Post:
155448.5 in reply to 155448.4
Date: 8/28/2010 2:43:08 PM
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I completely agree that deadline should be extended.
But I recall a BB saying that it is hard to detect these glitches, and because it doesn't happen often, it is just part of the risk of listing a player at 1k.
I think there should be a system where the owner has half an hour after the time of the sale to approve it or deny it. So the owner could deny the sale if the amount was too low, or approve it if he likes the price.
Would solve these sorts of problems.

This Post:
155448.6 in reply to 155448.5
Date: 8/28/2010 2:48:00 PM
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It doesnt help having all of these free agents dumped in the market either.

Ive tired over and over listed a 23 year old sensational inside D with prolific rebounding under 1 mill can could get an opening bid.

I mean, its 3:30 in the morning and i set my alarm clock to monitor this sale, and i was able to except for the last 3 mins. before that, my guy has gotten 3 bids in the last minute.

I swear i cant turn a profit on a player anymore. If it isnt one thing, its another.

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
This Post:
155448.7 in reply to 155448.5
Date: 8/28/2010 2:48:26 PM
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It would also solve the problem if people just listed players at the lowest price they'd be willing to accept.

There are too many different things which can cause slow downs across the internet, and the majority BB cannot do anything about as they have nothing to do with this site.

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155448.8 in reply to 155448.7
Date: 8/28/2010 2:54:16 PM
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The problem with listing a guy at the "lowest price you are willing to accept" is, when that player doesnt sell, you have to take another 3 days (or 4 to sell him at a high peak time) to re list him.

I dont know about most players, but for me, the guys im selling dont get the highest priority for game minutes/training because you have no more control after you list that player to sell.

Im due a glitch because this one costed me some major money. Besides, a glitch for 1 or 2 mins give people a chance still. but when its longer than the final 3 min bidding process, thats tough to swallow.

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
This Post:
155448.9 in reply to 155448.6
Date: 8/28/2010 2:55:59 PM
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Yeah its frustrating. Unfortunately I don't think there is any way to solve this problem for your case.
Hopefully this incident can show the BBs why there needs to be a way to avoid this.

This Post:
155448.10 in reply to 155448.9
Date: 8/28/2010 3:14:15 PM
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...not to mention that the player was up to 97% when i sold him.

this sale cost me probably $300,000 dollars if not more if i could have bought him back and sold him again.

I havent turned a profit on a player in almost 2 seasons. this leaves a bad taste in the proverbial mouth.

Somebody let me a hold a no. 2 pencil cause they testin' me.
This Post:
155448.11 in reply to 155448.10
Date: 8/28/2010 3:20:50 PM
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Aggh, I was bidding on this player when all of the sudden I couldn't load for about 10 minutes and came back to see him go for 430600 was sad.