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Day trading pros and cons

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From: Axis123
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Date: 8/30/2010 12:10:26 AM
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What are everyone's thoughts on Day Trading?

Is it representative of real-life basketball team management? Does it make the game more/less fun? Are there suitable workarounds? Is it good for BB financially? Is it good for the BB comunity?

Of course, I have a personal opinion, but was wondering what others thought.

peace out- Axis

From: ig

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155565.2 in reply to 155565.1
Date: 9/5/2010 6:35:04 AM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Jerusalem TET Utopia
1) No, its not representing a real-life basketball since in real life they are certain periods when teams can change their roasters.

2) I` think it does not affect too much on the game experience, since the financial system does not allow such a big profits made by daytrading. It`s mostly like selling a 10K-worth player for 100K to a newcomer, but selling a 1M-worth player for 5M is impossible in this game.

3) The answer is above. The financial system most likely does not encourage daytrading

4) No, because even if there are moslty small amounts in the pot, it`s still an attempt to fool people who are new in this game, and it`s a matter of values, which are more important.

From: ned

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155565.4 in reply to 155565.1
Date: 9/7/2010 3:58:25 AM
Freccia Azzurra
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You can find my opinion here: (9808.1)

I didn't change my opinion even if with this market I think is hard to make DT. You'll see a lot of day traders activity when the price market will raise again

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
From: Axis123
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155565.5 in reply to 155565.4
Date: 9/9/2010 9:43:00 AM
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It seems that the "conversation" in that thread took a tangent.

From my perspective, I can see how some aspects of trading may be important to "stabilise" the bb economy and it also urges players to get supporter (it's easier to trade with supporter). However, the one thing that seemed to be glossed over continuously is that day trading is not part of any real life Basketball Team Management.

Of course, by reflecting on this and saying that it's silly to say you can't call BB a simulation game wouldn't be fair due to the complexities of real life Basketball Team Management, online games, fun, and simulations themselves (among other things).

I do think it is silly, though, that to be part of the "best", you are pretty much forced to do it. Great teams make good financial decisions as part of their strategy, but it is only a part of a larger process.

Not only that, but it takes the fun away for a lot of people who don't want to monitor the TL many hours a day. If it's the Supporter package BB wants then, in my opinion, they should find other ways to do this than turning the game into largely a trading based game for those who want to "succeed". Heck, have brainstorming sessions, ask the BB community. I'm sure there are lots of answers out there. Social learning (and investigation) is a powerful thing.

I could write more on this, but to save people having to read a novel, I'll wait to see if anyone has anything to say to this.

From: krepaleon

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155565.7 in reply to 155565.6
Date: 9/9/2010 11:27:51 PM
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your idea has a point... but I think the buyers are those that create the problem
with that I mean that if most of the people learn to buy players during Monday to Thursday (these days are sold the majority of Free Agents) then this problem would become solved....

I know that some people for example get some money on Thursday and they want to buy a player for Saturday's match that's why i said the majority of the buyers...

Finally as a thought... the market is something dynamic...for example today prices are really low , tomorrow might go really high... ofcourse the BBs try to keep it safe (economically) for the users , but WE can play an important role in a way to make the market smoothier

P.S.: I don't disagree with your idea or almost any other idea that could make the market even more safe , just pointing something

From: Axis123
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155565.8 in reply to 155565.7
Date: 9/9/2010 11:58:06 PM
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My question is.. Should there be a trading market? It is in no way realistic.

Major basketball associations in the world have their managers sign contracts with players (which are negotiated with the players and their managers). These are contracts and franchise owners incur heavy penalties for waiving contracts.

It might be difficult to remove any form of buying and selling players, but it is not realistic that this is how one BB member generally beats another BB member.

So, perhaps to rephrase the way I would put my question... Should their be a trading market that has such a high influence in success in the game?

From: Axis123

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155565.11 in reply to 155565.9
Date: 9/10/2010 2:32:09 AM
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I definitely see what you're saying, and I agree. These are contracts. There is no Day Trading. Trades are an important part of the game, no doubt. It's the Day Trading that makes it unrealistic.

To be honest, I don't know how it would work without it. BB would have to change quite a few things to make it work. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't express our opinion and suggest that it does change in some way. (not that anyone is telling me or anyone else not to).

I like your idea. Maybe a "blind" bidding system. I dunno....