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Promotion Arena Advice

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From: j9s3
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Date: 10/6/2010 3:23:12 PM
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So I just promoted to Div IV.
These are my current prices:
Bleachers : 7033 (Current Price: $9) (Price as of 10/9/2010: $9)
Lower Tier : 703 (Current Price: $32) (Price as of 10/9/2010: $32)
Courtside Seats : 161 (Current Price: $100) (Price as of 10/9/2010: $100)
Luxury Boxes : 15 (Current Price: $650) (Price as of 10/9/2010: $650)
Total Capacity : 7912
Season Ticket Holders: 1001 (As of the beginning of the season)

In my past 8-10 games, my bleachers, lower tier, and courtside seats have sold out most of the time:
10/3/2010 Greeneville Mafia 6100 703 161 10 6974 Finals
9/28/2010 Greeneville Mafia 6793 703 161 10 7667 Finals
9/25/2010 tucsonsuns 6793 703 161 10 7667 Semifinal
9/21/2010 THE BEASTERS 6573 703 161 10 7447 Quarterfinal
9/18/2010 Michigan State Spartanzz 6079 688 134 8 6909
9/11/2010 THE BEASTERS 6160 696 134 8 6998
9/7/2010 money gang 6160 697 134 8 6999
8/31/2010 tucsonsuns 5760 600 133 8 6501
8/24/2010 Hopewell-Loudon 4655 526 107 5 5293
8/14/2010 Hoopin Champs 4500 516 105 4 5125

I have constantly been adding seats, so the numbers keep changing above. Also, disregard the most recent game, because the fans were not happy that I lost the previous game on purpose (I only set 3 players in the lineup to force a third game).
Does anyone have any advice as to what prices I should set for the seats? / What kind and how many more seats to build? This is my first time promoting so I dont know how much of a change there is when you promote. Thanks.

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159467.2 in reply to 159467.1
Date: 10/11/2010 6:13:32 AM
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The best indicator would be the "Fan Survey" page, whether your fans are happy or not.
If your fans are not happy, sure will hard to sell ticket (obviously on the bleachers seat).

Those price that you set should be standard enough. Just keep win important game, and expand the LB and CS, which will be sold easily. Build 10 LB or 50CS in one go.