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Suggestions > Nationalize Leagues

Nationalize Leagues

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From: Henrych
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Date: 10/29/2010 12:15:00 PM
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My proposal is to nationalize leagues.

If we look at the super teams, see players who lack their own country.
(Repeat teams season after season making the triumph of his league)

If we put a limit of players who can play in official competitions, these teams need to modify their team and have to make improvements to your team if you want to remain the best of their country.
(Cup, league and B3).

Now you may ask, as I intend to nationalize the leagues and the answer here:

If we put a limit on foreigners players per game, will see more even matches, because the 2 teams will have to use a minimum number of players of the same nationality to play the game.

In reality, there is a limit of EU players in all leagues, except in the NBA.
My proposal, it seems more BuzzerBeater to reality.

A team of a little known country is not going to retain the biggest star in the world, but it will retain when you reach certain years and only if the player is willing to do marketing for that team and wants to finish his career in this team basketball.

The limit would encourage all users, because the BuzzerBeater takes a certain time without being able to increase the number of users.
A change of this kind would help to provide new users enter the game to be a novelty that the game would seem more realistic.

The minimum number of players that would have to bring in a competitive game of basketball equipment (cup, league and B3) we could preset in a way like this:

Countries between 0-100 users: 20% of the players in a game should be of that country.

Countries between 101-200 users: 30% of the players in a game should be of that country.

Countries between 201-300 users: 40% of players in a game should be of that country.

Countries with more than 300 users: 50% of players in a game should be of that country.

With this change, it would give more importance to the country you represent, keeping you the players you brought the drafft why they will have more output on your team that other teams.

The change could be applied but in some seasons, and all users would be aware of the new news.

Leave 1 blank page if you have to add some data.

Last edited by Henrych at 10/29/2010 12:20:14 PM

From: Henrych

This Post:
162689.2 in reply to 162689.1
Date: 10/29/2010 12:15:25 PM
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162689.3 in reply to 162689.2
Date: 10/29/2010 12:57:57 PM
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what if when people join after you make a lineup, will you forfeit the game because of to many foreigners in your team?

And about in general, i don't like it. Becauseit takes away the chanches of small nations in international competion, and for some of those teams in small nation the BBB is the highlight to play competive games because the other teams still need time to catch up.

Also most teams, tend to lineup a llot nationals because of the positive effect of merchandise already.

Last edited by CrazyEye at 10/29/2010 1:02:55 PM

This Post:
162689.4 in reply to 162689.3
Date: 10/29/2010 5:11:03 PM
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what if when people join after you make a lineup, will you forfeit the game because of to many foreigners in your team?


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162689.5 in reply to 162689.4
Date: 10/30/2010 5:11:54 AM
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i imagine that is pretty funny for countrys like Belarus, who are around 100(+/- 5) players since a while.

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162689.6 in reply to 162689.1
Date: 10/31/2010 2:49:56 PM
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No way the only reason, my team is any good(undefeated0 is beacuse of foreigners. I think this is a bad idea. The "punishment" for too many foreign players in BB currently is low merchandize and I think that's good enough. No need to force managers to be "racist".

Check the Suggestions they are important
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162689.7 in reply to 162689.6
Date: 10/31/2010 2:58:46 PM
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If you put 5 players as reserves in your own country
5 players can align community.

the drawback that I see this this system is this:

BuzzerBeater is based on the NBA.
In the NBA, no player limit community.
In the European leagues do.

but no NBA team that plays with 100% of their players to be foreigners.

In BuzzerBeater yes.

With this system, it would give more importance to your drafft and repeat users who would cost them more repeat title.
Also, cost more to stay in higher divisions.

But I think lately BuzzerBeater seeks greater benefit for lower league teams.
With this change, the league would be favored low.

Last edited by Henrych at 10/31/2010 3:04:15 PM

This Post:
162689.8 in reply to 162689.7
Date: 10/31/2010 6:42:56 PM
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There is already enough punishment on teams that don't have local players by the form of lower merchandising revenue.

Yes you say the draft is important but you fail to realise that successful teams that gets to pick 12-16 gets jack all in the draft and most likely just sack the players rather than train them. Why would anyone in the top leagues want to train a player of bench warmer potential?

This leads to having to buy local players from the market. Sure the players might be there, but how often do you really find a player from your country that really suits your complete needs? It becomes way too restrictive on what teams should and should not do. And what about the smaller countries with low player base? Players from their nations will hardly be on the market to begin with.

This Post:
162689.9 in reply to 162689.8
Date: 10/31/2010 6:49:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
You already get more fan support from having local players. That, in itself, is a big enough incentive to have players from your own country.

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