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another training question....

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Date: 11/25/2010 7:09:28 PM
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But a very good one.
I had a guy play 45 minutes this week at PF. Last night in my blowout win he snuck in at SF( don't know why ) and he played 14 minutes there. So here in my question...
Which would give me the most training?
45 minutes 2 position Inside Defence OR
48+ minutes 3 position Inside Defence
I hate two game weeks because you have these problems. Some people say that the drop after 48 minutes is huge but is it bigger than the drop I would get if I did 3 position?

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164881.3 in reply to 164881.1
Date: 11/26/2010 10:59:46 AM
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I have no doubt that 2 position training would be more effective. The drop in training with <48 mins is not as steep as some think. I had a player pop 2 weeks in a row in passing with 2 position training when he only got 42 mins on one of the weeks.

From: Tesse
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164881.4 in reply to 164881.3
Date: 11/27/2010 8:41:17 AM
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Second Team:
The Milk
According to coachparrot the difference for one of my 20yr olds 203cm guys would be 0.4 vs 0.26 if both would mean 48mins.

I guess the drop won't be as much as 35%, so my guess is 2position training is faster.

you could also train One on One PF/SF, since it trains all kind of skills that your PF will profit from.

Crunchy! If you eat fast enough