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What should i do?

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From: Coolbobj

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165008.2 in reply to 165008.1
Date: 11/27/2010 6:58:04 PM
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What should I do? Should I admit that I've made mistakes? Should I stop training an awesome trainee that could be a future U21 player? Should I sell him for 500k? Should I draft a guy that could be good but might not be good? Should I wait six weeks without logging on and start all over? Should I stop listening o other posters? Should I dispear?

You can either keep this HOF potential guy and develop him into a U21 player, ask the U21 coach if you need help. Or you can sell him for a very high price because 18 yr olds wih high potential sell for a lot.

Check the Suggestions they are important
From: aussie dude

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165008.4 in reply to 165008.1
Date: 11/27/2010 7:35:31 PM
Aussie Pride
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This isn't a decision you have to make yet. Unless you have the number 1 or 2 draft pick there is no guarantee you will get either player. Your current trainee looks good anyway so i would probably sell the C in any case.

From: OSU

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165008.5 in reply to 165008.2
Date: 11/27/2010 7:40:17 PM
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naw man im not gonna stop training him or sell just wanted to see the reaction but when do u think i should upgrade my stadium

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165008.6 in reply to 165008.5
Date: 11/28/2010 12:48:45 PM
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well the problem I see with training this guy is his inside shot. It's awfully low, and he's small, so it takes longer to get it up.
So a superstar...unless you go 100% for him, I don't think it will become.
100% because you'll have to sacrifice some other things, including money you would get for him when you would just train him for money and not to become a star.
but okay, the next draftees are not sure calls yet either, and besides you don't have them yet, so you just keep training this guy untill you see your new drafts and then decide which road to take.

as for expanding your stadium, it has nothing to do with training, nothing at all. You expand when you have some reserve cash, and your arena isn't big enough already. These are the only two rules that you need to look for to answer that question.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
From: Gologol

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165008.7 in reply to 165008.5
Date: 11/28/2010 1:51:10 PM
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naw man im not gonna stop training him or sell just wanted to see the reaction but when do u think i should upgrade my stadium

Instead of wasting people's time "for a reaction", Why dont you do a little bit of searching on your own on the forums and answer your own questions. Frankly, it irks me that you have to ask what to do with a high potential rookie.

I probably gave you the reaction you were looking for?

Last edited by Gologol at 11/28/2010 1:53:38 PM