I normally get around 4 pops per week (including secondary pops). I use an advanced trainer, and always use two-position training, getting all 6 of my trainees 48 training minutes each week (Their ages are 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, and 21). All my trainees are guards 6'5 or shorter, and I train them in a combination of OD, 1-1, JR, JS, and PA.
For you, you have a good trainee in Forest Bowie - he's young, has a decent salary for his age, his height 7'1 is excellent, and he has excellent potential. That being said, I think he's the only good trainee on your team. Moriglia's secondaries are awful (being 6'11, it will take forever to train up his guard skills), and has bad defense for his age. Mahon is also 20 with a low salary, and short height for a PF. The rest of your players are either too old to train efficiently, have low salaries, or have poor potential (below starter).
Being in Div V, its easier to play each trainee 48 minutes, and you should use this to your advantage by buying better trainees. If you cannot afford any yet, I recommend you single-position train Bowie and Mahon (and maybe Paltakis) until you can afford better trainees to replace Mahon and Paltakis. Remember, training significantly slows down after your players reach 22, and players with bench warmer potential or lower are not very worth it to train.
You don't want to waste Bowie's potential and your level 4 trainer by 3-position training the rest of your team. If you single-position train, your 3 trainees will pop a lot faster.
If you are able to get 6 good trainees, 2-position training will work great for you.
I think i have decent trainees, some have allstar potential, star and mvp. ?
Again, remember that training slows down significantly after the age 22. Your all-stars, perennial all stars, and superstars will not even come close to reaching their potential. Don't be fooled by overvaluing potential: your 24 year old SG with 4173 salary and perennial all star potential is worth the same as a 24 year old SG with 4173 salary and 6th man potential; because he will not train efficiently enough to reach his cap.