If you just want to buy all the young players, you're basically wasting money. There's no point buying...say 12 players who are under age 20, and only training 6 of them. Rather than buying all young players, just buy around 5 to 6 (if you're doing two position training) and buy the rest who are little older. This way, you can save some money.
I think expanding arena is in a higher priority than building a team. Ofc you can do both at the same time. But my idea is that if you have a small arena and buy bunch of good players (thus better salary), your weekly net income will be significantly low and thus in the long run, it takes forever to increase the weekly net income. On the other hand, if you build your arena first, you can earn a lot of income because your players' salaries are still low and you can quickly save enough income to buy good number of decent players later on. So in my opinion, expanding arena is more important at the beginning than buying decent players, when the weekly net income is low.
This is exactly what I'm doing, currently I'm investing all my income into expanding my arena. My roster (really sucks) is enough not to relegate, so I don't need to buy any players at the moment. I'm going to invest all my income into expanding arena and once that's done, I'll start buying better players.
Last edited by Samurai_Tungi at 12/11/2010 9:09:00 AM