I dont need to have a crystal ball for setting a SC lineup. I set a lineup that I feel I would want to use. Now, whether this is the optimum lineup or not is not the case. Some play the SC to win, others to train, others for a different reason. Whatever the reason is, I think it would be beneficial to set up the lineup beforehand regardless of who ur opponent is rather than risk not setting a lineup at all.
for Playoffs and relegation, you might have missed my point. I;m not suggesting to see something like this in the schedule: Team A vs Team B... what I mean is to see something like that: Team A (my team) vs --- or ??? or ... to indicate that I might have a PO or a Relegation at this date with the ability to set the lineup. Now, lets assume you dont reach the PO or Relegation, the game would discard anything you had already set up for that day. Same applies to the Cup games.
In a nutshell, you are able to set ur lineup for the whole season (league games) while your not able to pre-set your lineup for the Cup, SC, and PO/R. Why cant we set a hypothetical line up for these games!? If you set a lineup 2 weeks prior to the date of a SC and you end up not booking a SC then nothing happens you dont play with that lineup at that day. On the other hand, lets say you have set your lineup 2 weeks prior and you reach the Cup on that, you play with the pre-set lineup that you did 2 weeks ago.
Of course there are disadvantages to setting a lineup before hand like choosing the right tactics/players against the team your playing but thats better than not choosing anything at all. Like I said, I travel a lot and therefore I cant edit my team from my Blackberry. It might be just me but im sure there are many other people who feel the same.
Last edited by Jadoo at 12/21/2010 7:44:50 PM