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National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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169110.2 in reply to 169110.1
Date: 1/11/2011 6:40:30 AM
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Hi to all BuzzerBeater Indians!

I'm Number Twenty Three, also known as NTT, and I would like to run for the position of General Manager of your country.
India is currently ranked as the 52th best national team on BuzzerBeater. The predecessors and all people involved in India NT have made an incredible job. But even though the competition is really tough, India deserves to be at least in the Top 50.

Here is my program for the two following years.

1) Link with Indian managers
This aspect is undeniably the core of my program. When looking closer at the best NT's, we realize that their performances is thanks to the fact that local managers are involved in their own country. It may be so simple to read, but tricky to accomplish. We don't need really need mass, but only qualitative and motivated guys that wants to diversify their pleasure on BuzzerBeater by contributing to the development of India NT.
I've already noticed some Indian General Managers with who I would like to "work" with: LA-DBoy (50492), Yogi (194834), Samurai_Tungi (50485) to name but a few.

2) An important communication program
Communication is one of my main strength. As the general manager represents the country throughout the world, I think he should be the more transparent as possible during his program. I will strive to post reports, interviews, things that will stimulate Indians and bring more life in your BB-lives.

3) Reduce India NT weak point = create a more balanced team
Every team has weak aspects. India has severals. The idea is not founded on miracles. But more on a very hard work in order to create a more balance team. At the end of my potential assignment, I would like to have both outside and inside strong players. This will institute a certain philosophy so that the following General Manager will have no problems to pursue the journey.

4) Work on appointed and non appointed players
It's not because a player is not appointed in the NT that we have to leave him on the side door. We should work on all interesting Indian players, from their youngest age to their end, in order to dispose of an important talent pool and diversify the strategies.

Of course, I will not achieve all those things alone. I would like to have a staff composed of Indian General Managers. But if no one is interested, than I'll be seeking for the best options offered.

If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer the best I can. & if not elected, I'll be glad to contribute to India development by joining the staff of the General Manager you, Indians, have freely choose!

Good luck to all candidates.