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BB Cyprus > Goodbye Season 14. Hello Season 15

Goodbye Season 14. Hello Season 15

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Date: 1/11/2011 11:38:54 AM
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First of all we would like to congratulate Bc Teammate for been the new CBBA Champions. Well done! After a season that seemed lost, in respect of the championship, the manager made some pretty good transfers along with the unlucky injury of Gkavogiannis made it possible to win Cyprus Fighters and reach the finals. Despite the court disadvantage with Pistoleros, Bc Teammate showed a significant difference in strength and finished the series with a 2-0 wins.
In respect to our team, Pistoleroi, this is the second time in a raw that we reach the finals for the championship and not been able to make the big step and win. Well we just have to keep trying!
Welcome season 15. To start with we expect an even more challenging season since in the region of Great 8, the big teams are either getting stronger or reforming their squad to be more competitive. So, good luck to everyone!!!

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169761.2 in reply to 169761.1
Date: 1/16/2011 5:55:01 AM
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The first games of the season have already been played on Saturday 15th of January. The season started with several derby matches, mainly from Great 8.
1. We start with the game of Pistoleroi against Bros456. Before the match took place we expected a great conflict were both teams would give their very best. Once the game started we were surprised that the manager of Bros did not use its PG star Tatarkin. From there on the final score says it all. 95-64. We noticed that Bros played a TIE tactic perhaps in an attempt to get stronger against their upcoming game with Ekleptismenoi. It is obvious to us that the manager will give all its attention firstly to the training of its players and secondly to the championship.
2.Paphos Vs Megalonisos 124-117. The second derby of the day, televised, was a surprise to us when Megalonisos did not managed to earn the pink winning sheet. Yes they did play an away game and yes they played with less effort than Paphos but nevertheless the winning team showed great strength and achieved a huge win. It is obvious that season by season Paphos turns into a CBBA powerhouse and a hard opponent for each of the big and great teams.
3.Finally we observed the game Ekleptismenoi Vs the newcomers Axaparoi. The score 125-109. Ekeleptismenoi played with a less effort and still achieved a respectable win. What we wish to give attention to is the performance of Axaparoi. The team consists of a great C and an equally good PG. Surely is not a team to take lightly and they have proven this even on their first game in CBBA. We only wonder how strong they are in their own court.

Thats about it for now. Until next time, keep up the good work everyone!

Last edited by Pistoleros at 1/16/2011 5:55:42 AM

This Post:
169761.3 in reply to 169761.2
Date: 1/17/2011 1:59:52 PM
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Catching up with the matches of tomorrows day 18th of January, we force our attention to several derby games.

1. Axaparoi vs Valentinos. Surely a game of great interest as the newcomers have shown a good coordination and strength that would trouble many of the big teams. Valentinos with no new additions to the squad this year has nevertheless shown good team ratings in his former game against Keraynos Bc. A strong all around defense might be the key to winning Axaparoi in their own court, since the later team has not much to show other than its starting C and PG. What do we expect? Since Valentinos played TIE in his last game it would be wise to play normal to force the away win and leave nothing to chance. Our speculation? Axaparoi: LI, 3-2 and Vanentinos: R&G, man to man.

2. Bros Vs Ekleptismenoi. THe game of the day along with Megalonisos Vs Pistoleroi. In this game both teams played TIE, most probably, in their past game thus coming to the fight with extra enthousiasm. Both teams are strong from the perimeter. Ekleptismenoi have shown that Kakarnakis can play even SF and this could be their key to the away win. On the other hand Bros has a very good PG, Tatarkin, and surely more, in numbers, big guys. In respect to the PG position our vote goes to Bros, in the SG position we assume that the teams are equal, in SF Kakarnakis takes the trophy by far, in the PF position we vote for Altobello and finally in the C position we give a slight advantage to Ekleptismenoi. Keeping in mind that Bros plays a home game its hard to predict the outcome of the game. We expect, and it would be the correct tactic, for both teams to play motion or R&G. Will someone take the risk of playing 3-2? We shall see!

3. Megalonisos Vs Pistoleroi. Again a very difficult match for both teams as Megalonisos is thought to be stronger in the perimeter while Pistoleroi are believed to us to be a more unified team with the better bench playres. What would be the outcome? Megalonisos has the home advantage. Will it be enough to win? In season 14 it was.

Other than that Cyprus Fighters have a semi easy game against Keraynos. Our opinion? Keraynos play TIE and save your strength to the games you can win like you did last year. Clever tactics bring good results at the end of the day! And finally we come to our latest champions Bc Teammate in an easy game against an inferior team, Zeys, which is trying hard to overcome the problems and turn more competitive. That is all for now. Good luck to everyone in regards to tomorrows matches. May the best teams win!

Last edited by Pistoleros at 1/17/2011 2:01:41 PM

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169761.4 in reply to 169761.3
Date: 1/20/2011 10:56:55 AM
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Tuesday night 18th of January, what a night for basketball! We start with the game Bros456 vs Ekleptismenoi. Firstly we mention the final score of 109-90. A 19 point win for Bros456 in an easier game that what would have been expected. Both teams played with the same efford, most likely normal. Ekleptismenoi decided on push the ball tactics in contrast to Bros who used a R&G tactical system that served the last excellently. Ekleptismenoi decided to use Kakarnakis, their star player, in a SG position, rather in a SF that we expected, and he managed to score 26 points but also received 31 from Charavgis thus having a negative score difference of -5. On the other hand Mendez Blasco scored 25 points over Svendsen and Kerkidis overall 24 points with better stats. Prezas vs Altobello? 21 vs 18 points and nearly equal rebounds. Finally we end up to the PG position where Tatarkin scored only 5 points but achieved 10 assists while Chasodikis ended up the game with 5 points and 6 assists. Coming to a close we believe that the better of the two teams managed to get the win.

The second big game of the week was Megalonisos Vs Pistoleroi. What a game it was indeed. Giving extreme joy to the fans of Pistoleroi but on the other hand great disappointment to Megalonisos. The final score was 102-103 in overtime. Although the stats show better results for Megalonisos, the final score shows a different story. As we mentioned before, Megalonisos was much stronger in respect to outside shooting while Pistoleroi tended to be a more all around team with better bench players. If we subtract the 50 points achieved by Megalonisos PG and SG, the team has nothing else to show for it. But then again 50% of the scoring was managed by just two players. Other teams you better take good care of your outside defense!

Finally Axaparoi were hosting a game against Valentinos. We expected Axaparoi to play LI and 3-2 for perhaps their best attempt to win the game. Better yet they decided to play man to man which proved perhaps the best idea? We are not totally sure... Kaprivourkos performed excellent with 29 points and 4 assists followed by Darfeng with 21 and Kazuss 20. On the other team camp, Berg scored 33 points and Lange 26. Could the final result be different, 96-105, if Axaparoi played 3-2 defense? We shall never know!

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169761.5 in reply to 169761.4
Date: 1/22/2011 4:59:55 AM
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Ok people today is Saturday 22th of January and its a game day for everyone in the CBBA. Once again the battle in Great 8 continues with lots of interesting derbies.

1. Ekleptismenoi Vs Megalonisos. To start with Megalonisos after two losses in a raw, needs desperately this away win in an attempt to stay in the game for the playoffs. On the other hand Ekleptismenoi are coming to the game after a defeat from Bros456 and yes they need the win to boost up their enthusiasm and keep up with the game. In respect to the game shape, only David Sala seems to be strong while the rest of the Ekleptismenoi squad trails. The same is observed in Megalonisos camp and even worse. Surely Megalonisos has the strongest outside offense of the conference but apparently it is not enough to win games. Over all, Ekleptismenoi play a home game, have a better game shape while Megalonisos has a stronger outside offense. Who will come out a winner? Just wait a few hours and we shall see!

2. Valentinos Vs Bros456. What a game this will be aswell. Valentinos corrently holds the second position of the league table and seems strong although this is the first hard game they have to encounter. Surely they are a strong offensive aswell as defensive team but lets not forget they are up against a well tuned opponent. Both teams enter the battle with good game shape. Bros456 manager stated that the teams major goal for this season is non other that training. Could these mentality affect the games result? At the time being Valentinos has two wins in a row while Bros is in fifth position, with one win and one loss, and it would serve them well to win tonight, if they wish to keep track with the playoffs.

3. Axaparoi Vs Paphos. Two of the younger teams and most improved. As we have stated before we are amazed by the newcomers Axaparoi. Although they have lost both of their previous matches they are nothing but a great opponent that should not be underestimated. We turn the spot light to two of the squads players, Trygve Berg (PG) and Franciszek Lange (C). Paphos on the other hand continues to amaze especially after wining mighty Megalonisos in their first game of the season. We consider Paphos to be a more unified team but who will come out as a winner is very hard to tell.

These are the most interesting upcoming games of todays shedule. All matches start at 6pm, so I hope I will see most of you in chat channel. May the best teams win!

This Post:
169761.6 in reply to 169761.5
Date: 1/23/2011 3:45:11 AM
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Here is the deal people, last night we kept an eye on all the derby matches. To our surprise except from us, no other manager was present in the chat room.

1. Valentinos overcame Bros456 95-94 with a last second buzzerbeater shot. Once again Tatarkin was disappointing in respect to his skills. Good outside defense by Valentinos earned him the match.
2. Ekleptismenoi Vs Megalonisos ended with a win of the home team with 113-107. Once again Megalonisos did not manage to win although the need for the pink paper was high. Now the team stands on 6th place with 3 losses and no wins. Who would predicted such an outcome of mighty Megalonisos.
3. Paphos Vs Axaparoi ended 114-90. Paphos tends to amaze us with its 3 in a row winning streak. Could they keep this up? Big games against big teams are coming up.
4. Pistoleroi Vs Keraynos Bc. Easy win for Pistoleroi even though they used their bench players with 113-84. No need to say anything more.

Surely the two strongest teams of the CBBA league. Both strong from the outside as well as from the inside in respect to both offense and defense. To start with the home team Cyprus Fighters is composed with several amazing players.

a. Nikolas Gkavogiannos, currently in the NT, who usually and nearly always plays PG. Averaging about 20 points per game and 6 assist, Gkavo is a major help to the team. His absence was clearly observed in last seasons play off match when Cyprus lost by Bc Teammate.
b. Sun Ruikun is a new addition to the squad. A player of salary 110K at the age of 24. Averaging 18.3 points per game with a rating of 15 in 36 minutes. HUGE! The player has a staggering 9 assists per game and thus can easily be used either as a PG or a SG.
c. Taner Yan, a new addition to the team, who plays in its countries NT. Has a salary of 143K with an average of 10.7 points per game. The manager of Cyprus Fighters tends to use the player in a SF position although he is regarded as a SG.
d. Enrico Sciamenna, last season PF with a salary of 122K, has a rating of 15 in 20.6 minutes and 11.7 points per game. A fearsome defender with an overall of 11 rebounds per match. Surely one of the strong points of the team.

On the other hand we have our new champions Bc Teammate. The manager has taken the decision to rebuild the squad. Most of the capable players have gone and given place to new younger and stronger ones. At this point the team seems semi crippled since its strength has dropped dramatically, but be sure that by the end of the season , even before the playoffs they will once again be as strong and even stronger than ever.

a. Sebastian Dorad, the 22 year old, is the new addition to the squad. A PF with a salary of 118K both capable from short but also from long distances. Surely a capable match for Sciamenna. Who will come out a winner? Lets see. Dorado will probably play its first game in CBBA against Cyprus Fighters where we shall see his abilities for the first time. Up to now he packs an average of 17.3 points per game and 15 rebounds.
b. Omer Angul, a solid PF or C regarding on the demands of the team. A player with a salary of 105K, with 16.5 points per game and 20.5 rebounds. HUGE!
c. Liang Yuanguang was transfered to the team in season 13 at the price of 6.5M. A capable SG with a rating of 14.5 in 30 minutes. Surely though not enough for the monsters of Cyprus Fighters.
Since the team continues to sell some of its former players we expect new additions and soon. How strong will our champions turn out to be? We expect them to become so strong as to be able to look Cyprus Fighters in the eyes with no fear.

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169761.7 in reply to 169761.6
Date: 1/23/2011 2:41:49 PM
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People today we will give detail attention to the upcoming game of Megalonisos vs Valentinos.
The game is scheduled for the 25th of January at 6 pm. To start with, we mention that it takes place in the home court of Megalonisos and thus an advantage goes to the home team. Secondly we give attention to the low game shape of the home team that will surely affect the expected outcome of the match. Should Valentinos take advantage of this? He should surely do so, I know i would!
As we have stated many times, Megalonisos is composed of strong outside players but the teams inside strength is limited to its starting center and non other. What can we say about their starting PF? Just sell him, the sooner the better. The manager of the home team tends to play a motion or R&G tactical offense using at the most his outside guns, PG-SG-SF. Both PG and SG are considered to be extreme scorers and capable defenders, which cannot be said for its SF who is the weakest link in respect to its outside defense. This could be one of the points Valentinos will try to take advantage if he decides to go for the win. As for the bench players of Megalonisos? They are nowhere near the starting line up which makes the game even easier for the challenger. So what would be the best tactical planning for Megalonisos? Surely R&G and man to man. The reason? Because Valentinos is a team capable of playing both inside and outside and thus man to man is the only tactic safe free, if you would like.
On the other hand we have Valentinos, currently with 3 wins and no defeats, who works his way to the playoffs from the beginning of the season. The team has no new additions to show but nevertheless is composed with respectable players both outside and inside. Lets start with Kazuss, PG with a salary of 50K, with an average rating of 12 in 43 minutes. A player both capable of scoring but also passing. Surely he cannot be compared to the PG monster of Megalonisos but could he do the work if a zone defense is used? We shall see. Next is Kaprivourkos, SG with salary of 80K, with an average of 22 points per game and 6 assists. We believe he is a good outside defender but the same cannot be said for his inside defense. Coming up are the key players of the scheduled game. Valentinos SF and PF where Megalonisos is mostly trailing. At the position of SF we have two pretty good players, Darfeng and Botana. Both good scorers and much stronger than Megalonisos starting SF. Finally we come to the PF position where we have Martinoski. Not much of a PF in our opinion but much better than the one Megalonisos possess.
In respect to game shape the advantage goes to Valentinos, so over all we expect a great match that will go near the wire. Megalonisos is desperate for the win as they have been falling back with 3 out of 3 defeats. To end up, there is only one question in our mind. Will Valentinos use its starting line up and try to win the game or will he save up energy and enthusiasm for the upcoming home game against Pistoleroi?
What would we do if were in his position? We would take advantage of this rare opportunity to win Megalonisos since they have a low game shape. Play base offense or push the ball and 3-2 zone. With better strong men and stronger bench players Valentinos has a shot at the win. As for whether to play CT or normal, we advise CT since the next game is an easy cup match and thus the team can increase its enthusiasm once again.
In respect to Megalonisos there are not much that can be said. They need the win one way or the other. Our planning would be R&G and man to man and surely CT to capitalize on the win. The team has fallen far behind and needs to rise up again, fast. CT is our opinion.
So there you have it. That is all for now!

Last edited by Pistoleros at 1/23/2011 2:50:22 PM

This Post:
169761.8 in reply to 169761.7
Date: 1/27/2011 1:28:36 PM
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Ok people, here are some of the results from the last league game day as well as the latest tournament day matches (those that deserve mentioning of course!).

League Matches:

1. Valentinos came out a winner in its away match against Megalonisos. Something we were expecting based on the teams game shape. Cleverly the manager decided to play 3-2 zone and thus diminished Megalonisos outside shooting advantage. On the other hand Megalonisos probably did not use a CT tactic to force a win and thus lost one more game. What can we say about Megalonisos? It is sad to see such a team become a shadow of its past, but there is non other to blame, in our opinion, than the manager. Better tactical maneuvering would surely benefit the team. Ring Dring....time to wake up!
2. Cyprus Fighters managed to win our Champions Bc teammate 111-86 in a home game. The power difference was mainly observed in the second and forth quarter. As expected Fighters forced the win based on the performance of their outside shooters PG, SG, SF. Bc Teammate surprised us by playing LI and man to man while we would expect at least a 3-2 zone defense. As we mentioned before do not be quick to judge Bc Teammate and the fate of the league championship since the champions are already re forming their team to a huge power house.

Tournament Matches:

1. Only one game deserves our attention and is non other than the conflict between Pistoleroi and Megalonisos. The outcome? The expected, a home win for Pistoleroi with the score of 95-75. The home team, although starting with a slow pace, managed to capitalize the game during the 3/4 of the game. Huge performance once again by the teams big guys scoring over all 43 points and receiving 34 rebounds. The final score surely shows the difference of the two teams. We said it once before and we shall repeat ourselves but although Megalonisos is thought to be a better outside scoring team, Pistoleroi are a better all around team and thus claim the win once again. It is time for Megalonisos manager to sit down and think long and strong about its teams future.

That all for now guys. Take it easy!

This Post:
169761.9 in reply to 169761.8
Date: 1/30/2011 4:51:39 AM
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Ok people, once again we go for an in depth analysis of Saturdays games that worth our time.

1. Valentinos Vs Pistoleroi. A game that was scheduled for the first place of the great conference division, at the present time. What was the outcome? 69-82 in a great away win for Pistoleroi. Both teams decided on a neutral tactical strategy and a man to man defense. Both teams with similar game shape and similar enthusiasm. Pistoleroi entered the game with a blazing momentum achieving a score of 8-21 in the first quarter. Never in the game did Valentinos challenged the strength of Pistoleroi although they possessed the home advantage.
Lets break the game down and analyze it. On a first impression we see a huge difference between the big guys of each team. Pistoleroi dominated the PF position as well as center position. An overall of 61 rebounds vs 40 made a huge difference for the final score. Sordoni managed to achieve 23 points with 2 3points and 17 rebounds. Ionescu with 14 points and 11 rebounds. Special attention should be given to Pistoleroi PG Oberti who despite the 2 points he scored, he achieved a rating of 12,5 with a possitive rating of +23 thus overcoming by far its opposer Janis Eidaks-Kazušs. Pediaditakis did not step up to the challenge as he had just returned from a weekly injury and perhaps needed this game to adjust.
On the other side Valentinos big guys failed to defend their basket. Kaprivourkos, the teams star, was the only one that managed to shrink down, abit, the difference by achieving 20 points with a rating of 15 but a negative comparison rating of -2. Masoti performed well as expected with 19 rebounds but was all alone under the basket of Valentinos.
Needless to say more, the outcome was expected.

2. Paphos vs Ekleptismenoi, for the 3rd position in the table, ended with a score of 88-90. What made the difference? The home advantage of Ekleptismenoi as well as the superiority in the SG and PF position. Kakarnakis along with Blasco managed 43 points out of 90 and an average rating of 14,5. Both teams had a good game shape but at the end perhaps the tactical judgement of Paphos manager might have caused the game. If the decision was the play a 3-2 zone, perhaps the final score would be different. Nevertheless we congrat Paphos for a huge development and becoming more and more competitive. Good work, keep it up. We still believe that if you tend to underestimate such a team, you shall lose. Paphos is not a team to take lightly.

3. Axaparoi vs Megalonisos. Lets start with the score. 108-107. Megalonisos losing streaks continue, coming to a 6-0. Who would expect this. Anyway, the team at the present time has a bad enthusiasm, bad game shape, bad bench players, tired starting players, surely bad economy and most importantly bad future if the manager does not step up to the challenge and take action for the teams future. Several players have to go and reformation must begin not to win the championship but to remain in the league and become competitive once again.
Excellent game by Axaparoi, good tactics and overall a good performance caused the better team to win even if Megalonisos gave it more to win.

Thats about all the analysis we have time for. Take care!

This Post:
169761.10 in reply to 169761.9
Date: 2/2/2011 2:02:36 PM
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Initially we would like to congratulate both Cyprus Fighters and Bc Teammate for a superb performance in the B3 Champions league. Bc Teammate with 2 out 3 wins while Cyprus Fighters have the astonishing 3 out of 3. Back to the CBBA league, we make a stop to Tuesdays games.

1. Pistoleroi Vs Ekleptismenoi. Final score 106-41. One would expect a derby match until the final seconds of the match but instead Ekleptismenoi decided to put their second line , into the battle, thus relaxing their starting line up and receiving more enthusiasm for the upcoming game against Valentinos. Pistoleroi on the other hand decided to play CT to capitalize on the win, and so they did. Nothing much to discuss on the game.
2. Megalonisos Vs Keraynos B.C. Well not much to say here either. We were expecting a win for Megalonisos to end the lossing streak but boy were we wrong. The final score was an away win for Keraynos with 107-117. Although we are at the end of the first third of the league, the manager of Megalonisos is surely concerned about relegation. With 7 losses out of 7 games, there is not much to say, that has not been said already.
3. Paphos Vs Valentinos. Huge win for the upcoming giants Paphos with 118-116. A game that came down to the wire! Impressive stats by Pahos has concerned Pistoleroi for their upcoming game on Saturday. We would like to give our attention to Stiliaras. A 203cm center, in a blazing form, that dominates both basket in respect to rebounding, scoring and defending. A player with an average rating of 13.5, 19.2 rebounds and 20.5 points per game. Surely the star of Paphos. Nevertheless we believe that the true strength of Paphos is not their individual players but the team as a whole. We consider our opponents as a unified team with equally strong bench players and of course with a good manager, hungry for wins and achievements. Good job Paphos, keep it up!
4. Bros Vs Axaparoi 127-67. Not much to say here either. Pure dominance of the strongest team.

We remind everyone that this Saturday 5th of February we have the derby Valentinos vs Ekleptismenoi and Pistoleroi Vs Paphos. Be there or be square!

Last edited by Pistoleros at 2/2/2011 2:03:13 PM

This Post:
169761.11 in reply to 169761.10
Date: 2/7/2011 12:12:55 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
People here are the latest news.
1. Initially we start with last Saturdays games. What a day!
A) After an epic battle Pistoleroi achieved to keep their undefeated streak by overcoming Paphos in a home court advantage game. The final score 115-110 in overtime. Heartbreaking game surely with lots of ups and downs and mix emotions. The strong offensive ability of Paphos along with the referees decisions, achieved an early lead of 9 points for the away team. Pistoleroi regrouped late at the game to overcome the obstacle and take the win. Bad decisions from Pistoleroi coach nearly forced the game to be lost. The home team took only one time out when surely they needed a few more to break the opponents momentum. Huge performance by Pistoleroi center Ionescu, who was carrying the whole team until the end, with 30 points, 16 rebounds 1 block and 2 assists. Congrats to Paphos aswell for an excellent performance despite the outcome.
B) Valentinos packed another win for the championship, this time against Ekleptismenoi. The final score 82-73. In our opinion Valentinos is surely a more all around and unified team and thus achieved the win. On the other hand Ekleptismenoi cannot over come big teams with just the performance of Kakarnakis and Blasco. The new addition of Prezas seems to have helped the team but not enough.
C) Bros vs Megalonisos. 128-89. One more loss for mighty Megalonisos. The manager is trying his best to return the team back to its past wins, by selling players and reforming the squad. Surely the season is lost for Megalonisos. The question that arises now is whether they can remain in the CBBA.

So there you have it people. The end of the first third of the championship finds both Pistoleroi and Cyprus Fighters undefeated up this point with 7 out of 7 wins. Up from close we have Keraynos with 6 and 1, while in the Great 8 we have Bros and Valentinos with 5 and 2.

Its time to see what are the derby matches on Tuesday 8th of February. So we bring to your attention the following.
1. Paphos vs Bc teammate. Surely an advantage goes to Bc Teammate in respect to teams strength but home court goes to Paphos. The final score will be set based on the decisions of both managers. Paphos has shown again and again that is not a team to be taken lightly.
2. Ekleptismenoi vs Keraynos. What a battle! Keraynos seems much stronger in Season 15 and will surely give a handfull to Ekleptismenoi. Both teams need the win to stay in the chase for the championship.
3. Finally we come to the derby of the day. Bros vs Cyprus Fighters. Former champions seem to be in a frenzy mode, especially after their wins in the B3. Can Bros, with a small miracle, take the win? Nevertheless it will be a nice game to watch as two of the strongest teams of CBBA fight together. The question is whether Bros will go for the win or will they just go for enthusiasm and training time.

Thats all we have time for now. See you all tomorrow at 6pm!!!!