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Quo vadis BuzzerBeater?

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Date: 1/17/2011 8:49:30 AM
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I must admit I am pretty disappointed how the start of the season took course - although the off-season processing went really smooth there seem to be a handful of bugs or errors that affect more than a handful of managers, the qualitiy of the game seems to decline steadily.

For a few seasons now we see the delay of training and boxscore get worse - transfers get stuck from time to time and now arena income, ticket prices and season ticket holders seem to be severely bugged (I still dont know if the prices set for my arena now are the correct ones I set the last time), to the point that some teams could get major problems due to the lack of income and the threat of bankruptcy.

The new "out of bounds"-feature seems not to work properly, possession is awarded to the wrong teams and players are still rotationg over to defend their own teammates shots.

I understand that bugs can and will happen, but what bothers me most is the missing information on how these problems are handled and what solutions the developers can offer. So please, dear developers, keep us informed on what will happen next and try to work hand in hand with the community and try to leave your ivory tower more often.

From: FSH
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171090.3 in reply to 171090.2
Date: 1/17/2011 2:38:19 PM
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Sad part is that seems that no BB cares. They don't tell us nothing about this, and is really notorious, to the point that several people is complaining about.

I think that we deserve an explanation.

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171090.4 in reply to 171090.3
Date: 1/17/2011 2:54:48 PM
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Sad part is that seems that no BB cares. They don't tell us nothing about this, and is really notorious, to the point that several people is complaining about.

I think that we deserve an explanation.

I would agree with you that communication hasn't been a strong suit of the BB's, but I doubt they "don't care". This is their creation, after all.

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171090.5 in reply to 171090.2
Date: 1/17/2011 7:37:21 PM
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Knecht complaining... That's hard to believe.

Well I have a point and I think I am not the only one unhappy with the current situation. Take a look in the bug forums and tell me why nothing is done about the recent bug reports. It is easy to point at me and accuse me of being a troublemaker...

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171090.6 in reply to 171090.5
Date: 1/17/2011 7:43:48 PM
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It is easy to point at me and accuse me of being a troublemaker...

You are not a troublemaker, you are right. There are some notorious bugs that need to be fixed... they should have been fixed a long time ago...

PS: Best thread title ever :D

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171090.8 in reply to 171090.7
Date: 1/17/2011 9:49:53 PM
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A free game that if i don't like it i don't support.

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171090.9 in reply to 171090.7
Date: 1/18/2011 1:54:14 AM
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I dont think we deserve much of any explanations...its a free game.

Free or not (btw, they do sell this thing called "supporter" fyi) if you provide a service, you should at least have communication channels in place to let people know you're working on the problems, as they arise. It's just common business practice.
I've been clamoring for better communication practically since I first started playing BB in season 12. I've seen some improvements, but the delays in game 1 processing followed by crickets chirping was a major set back.

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171090.11 in reply to 171090.10
Date: 1/18/2011 8:26:10 AM
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Yeah I agree with your point. I don't have any evidence that matches are running correctly, but I think there are so many bugs in the viewer lately. Some random double double announcement, players defending another player who's in the same team, etc (but again, I think the games are running properly, it's just the descriptions that are wrong.