An arrow means an improvement, 100% of the time.. But what about the absence of an arrow?
With other skills, [no arrow]=[no improvement] is probably right 90% of the time.
But for experience, you cannot assume [no arrow]=[no improvement] because that's wrong probably 90% of the time.
So arrows are a lot less meaningful regarding experience.
errr.....what are you on about?
You said with other skills no arrow = no improvement most of the time, but that is completely wrong. If I train something, then that skill and all the secondary skills for that training, will DEFINITELY improve even if no arrow is shown.
You honestly think the developers simply forgot to add the arrow functionality to experience pops?
What I said is absolutely right. Even if your player improves in 4 different skills in one week and doesn't pop, there are still 8 other skills in which he does not improve. So [no arrow]=[no improvement] will always be true
at least 66% of the time, even if your player gets 48 minutes.
For experience, the only case in which [no arrow]=[no improvement] is when your player gets exactly 0 minutes.
An arrow does not signify improvement, it simply signifies change to the next number. So 7.9 to 8 would be an arrow. But 7.5 to 7.9 would not show an arrow.
An arrow does signify improvement. You cannot have an (green) arrow when there is no improvement.
For new managers, arrows mean A LOT.
Before they have a clear understanding of the training system, they base their players' progression on arrows.
The thing with skills vs experience is that arrows are a lot more meaningful for skills than they are for experience.
If a new manager sees an arrow for experience it will mislead him into thinking he just did something great, when really experience was going to pop sooner or later no matter what. In my opinion that's very different from training skills, where arrows are a also a simplistic way to determine if your training was successful, but it makes way more sense than with experience.
Last edited by Thelonious at 1/22/2011 10:11:31 AM
"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme