Hi all,
in the latest two seasons, I've always relied heavily on group demonstration for my scouting, because I had very few scouting points to spend (low pick expected) and I felt this is a very cost-effective option (e.g., five 5-ball and seven 4-ball prospects last season for just 10 points!).
Now, I'm quite sure that I've already read comments like: ok, but a 5-ball guy from the bottom of the unscouted list will hardly, if ever, be as good as a 5-ball guy from the top.
As a matter of fact, this season I've already interviewed four 5-ball prospects from the top 9 of the list and I can safely say that they're all better than anyone I interviewed in season 14 and 15.
So, I'm a bit undecided now on what to do next: will it be more effective to go for GD again, or should I look for more high rating guys from players 10-19 (the ones with 4 gray balls in the unscouted list)? By the end of the season, I should have about 18 more points, so I may scout them all and then interview up to 4 of them.
Is there any consensus on the matter, or any idea on how many 5-ball rating players I can expect from this pool?
Thank you.