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BB Iran > Angry with NTM

Angry with NTM

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From: Mayeah
This Post:
Date: 3/7/2011 2:27:40 PM
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I am a chilean manager, that has Hejazi (6039959) on his roster, he had been almost all season in GS 9 and over 3 million of DMI, and when I go to see how was his match, I found the match was played by only 5 players playing 48 mins, and no other player was called for the match...

What happens with the merchandising of the managers that has high salarie players? Well... we lose it, its like 40k, that for a team that has almost no income... well... its really annoying...

I hope it never happens, and I am still waiting for an explanation...

PS: There is no will to be offensive, its just that atm I am really pissed off... because now I am on negative numbers... and merchandising is really important for my economy.

This Post:
176914.2 in reply to 176914.1
Date: 3/8/2011 5:02:04 AM
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Dear Mayeah

We very thank you for your efforts due to keep Maziar Hejazi at a high shape level. you have the right of being worry about him and what may happen for your economy.
but we should aware you that if he do not play in some NT matches it won't have any effect on your merchandise.

Maziar is one of the most influential Iran NT players that now we need him more than ever. so we are very pleased that he is in such a great club with a qualified manager that mind his shape and improvement.

We hope with a competent result in confederation and then in world championship we make an accountability to just a little part of all efforts, patience and assist of all managers like you that help us to do the best we can.

Very thanks

Go0d luck
Iran NT Management

From: Mayeah

This Post:
176914.5 in reply to 176914.3
Date: 3/8/2011 6:48:16 AM
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You recieve merchandising only if he is on the possible 12 on the match, and it is not important if he dont plays, or plays 48 mins, but he has to be convocated to the match...
Well, there is nothing I can do now... but... for the next time, to dont let us lose merchandising, you can lineup those 5 players as backup and reserve too, and then nominate the other 7 players with highest salarie to dont give them a bad imapct with merchandising.

This Post:
176914.6 in reply to 176914.5
Date: 3/9/2011 7:43:42 AM
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سهند عزیز بهتر نبود این مطلب تو
بهش عنوان میکردی
چون اگر قهرمان بشیم (ایشالا )احتمال چند درصد داره این بازی ما، بازتاب بدی واسه تیم های دیگه مخصوصا استرالیا و چین داشته باشه چون با پست تو مکتوبش هم کردیم

البته میگم شاید هاااا

From: MJ

This Post:
176914.7 in reply to 176914.6
Date: 3/9/2011 8:46:25 AM
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امیرحسام جان دیگه وقتی بازی ملی رو با 5 تا بری تو زمین اونم ضعیف ترین هاحریفات باید نادون باشن که نفهمن قصدت چی بوده.
من که فکر نمیکنم بازتاب بدی داشته باشه. (قبلا هم گفتم ممکنه بازتاب جهانی داشته باشه ولی بعید میدونم بد باشه) این یه استراتژی کاملا منطقی هستش. خب وقتی اگه اول بشیم میریم تو گروه سخت دوم میشیم که بریم تو گروه آسون. این به نظرم خیلی تحسین برانگیز هم هست مخصوصا وقتی که با این استراتژی قهرمان هم بشیم :)

From: Mayeah

This Post:
176914.9 in reply to 176914.8
Date: 3/14/2011 8:26:02 AM
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And now... I see a huge drop on merchandising...
And I am waiting to translate your posts to see what you said.

From: MJ

This Post:
176914.10 in reply to 176914.9
Date: 3/15/2011 12:12:53 PM
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Dear Mayeah

Thanks for Maziar performance again this week. We know you keep him high not only for your club also for NT,so thank you.
We are sorry for your merchandise drop as we know you count on that, but we didn't know it may have any effect on clubs economy if a player didn't play.
Also Thank you for your patient and letting us to learn more about NT effects on clubs which really help us to do our responsibility better in future

We talked about our right to lose intentionally if we want.

Lo0king forward to see your successes

Go0d Luck
Iran NT Management

From: Mayeah

To: MJ
This Post:
176914.11 in reply to 176914.10
Date: 3/15/2011 2:36:00 PM
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No problem about Maziar... now that I am secure in my I.1 div. I will do some rotation cause of training OD in some centers, but dont worry about Hejazi's GS, I will try to keep him at the best (I always check his performance on mondays xD).
If you want to ask some stuff about NTM, the game or something I have no problem on that, just ask me =)

Hope to dont have another mercha drop XDXD
