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BB Lubnan > Training - The basics

Training - The basics

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From: Megadez
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Date: 4/28/2011 10:52:42 AM
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Hi all!

Here are some advices to improve the training. The aim is of course to improve the level of your players, and mostly your lebanese ones

The trainer

There are 6 levels of trainer
- basic
- competent
- advanced
- superior
- exceptional
- world-renowned

When you start, you have a basic one. The better your trainer is, the faster the training is.
But exceptional and world-renowned trainers are very expensive. So, it isn't worth it. Most of the managers have a superior one. It may be the best rate improvement/cost. But if you don't have money, advanced is not so bad.
Basic and competent are not enough, in my opinion.

How many minutes per week

When you train one position, for example Inside Shot for Center, to be completely trained, your player must play 48 minutes as a C.
48 minutes is the length of a game. So you can completely train 3 players for one position, in a week.
If you train Inside Shot, on two position (Center and power forward), your player must play 48 minutes as a C or as a PF, it could be 30 minutes as a C and 18 as a PF.
So, there you could train 6 players.

The fastest training

Of course, training one position is faster than training two. For example, training Inside Shot for C improve faster than training Inside Shot for PF and C. For the first case, it should be something like two weeks for one up and in the second case 3 weeks.
For some tranings you cannot train less than two positions. Not a problem, these trainings are quite fast.

What should I train first?

Hehe, the most important
Starting the training of a young player is always difficult. This player cannot score, he doesn't defend correctly... It's always a problem for the results of a team.
So, as the club is the most important for all of us, here is my biggest advice: start with the defense training.
It is easier to make a player defending that to make a player scoring. So the player will be more usefull for your team if he defends correctly. And he will make less faults, he could play the whole game, 48minutes.
Then, around prominent/proficent defense, you can start the other skills.

A very bad skill can slow down other associated skills. For example, if you have atrocious in handling, outside defense will be slowed down.

The age

The younger he is, the better it is. It slows down with the age, but the first effects are really seen around 21-22 year's old. Some skills like passing, driving, handling are less slowed down than others.

Size does matter!

Well, for an outside player, you should take a small one (less than 201cm), it's faster if he is small. I think for example it is useless to train a 213cm outside player.
For inside players, his height should be more than 198cm
And for Shooting guards, that will be trained inside and outside, the best is to take between 193 and 203 cm

The potential

I would say it is useless to train players with a potential under Star. Starter will be stopped around a salary=20.000$ (actually, this is according to the level of the skills, but the salary is calculated with these levels, so, the salary is an indication of when it stops)
So it should be more usefull to train players with a better potential, because a 20k player is not well sold on the transfert market and when you want to improve your team, you'll need better players.

From: Jadoo

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183273.2 in reply to 183273.1
Date: 4/28/2011 3:46:33 PM
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That's a very good piece.
Let me add one thing, teams training young Lebanese players who might be useful to the U21 and NT it is more advisable to train them Single Position training. The players (up to 3 players) will improve faster and will reward you more on the transfer market in the future.
If you don't have quality young Lebanese players, it is best advised to either buy these off the transfer list by choosing Lubnan in the nationality drop-down. If that also doesn't serve your purposes, best thing is to buy foreign players and train them Two Position training. Highly unadvised to train Three Positions of Team positions.
Also Single training is useful to players above 23 years old. You can improve these players at a faster rate to play with the NT.
Please note that if you have a player on U21 or NT it will increase your Merchandising Income.

From: Megadez

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183273.3 in reply to 183273.2
Date: 4/30/2011 5:02:53 PM
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Thanks, you're completely right.

A good shape
The shape is one of the most important thing in the game. To make it increase to strong or proficient, is it important to control the playing time for your players.
The very large interval is between 48 and 80 min, and the best around 60/60 min
If your player plays more than 80 minutes, there is a higher risk of injury and the shape will decrease.

And the last important thing

If you don't train your young lebanese players
You have a young lebanese player that could be in NT if trained and you cannot train train him, you can sell him and make money. It is better for you and the country because if sold, this player could be trained. If you warn me, i can manage to find a motivated manager.
For example Abiary Zboun [player=] sold by Sagesse Achrafieh, was bought by a french manager that will train him as a power forward with good secondary skills, what we don't have in the NT.

Last edited by Megadez at 4/30/2011 5:03:11 PM

From: Megadez

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183273.4 in reply to 183273.3
Date: 6/8/2011 4:09:52 PM
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By the way, if you speak french and you want a tutor to start or improve in Buzzerbeater, you can go there:

Last edited by Megadez at 11/5/2011 9:37:45 AM