BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > Staff from Norway

Staff from Norway

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From: Milly
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Date: 03/04/2008 17:31:17
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Is it possible to have staff members from a country close to us? Key, Ortega and Link are very nice guys, but to me it looks like the name database is filled with only English/American names?
- I could like Arne Olsen, Einar Kvist and Reier Torgersen - or maybe a Swede named Ulf Lundell?

Older than the rest ...
From: CitB

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18351.2 in reply to 18351.1
Date: 03/04/2008 17:59:49
Overall Posts Rated:
maybe they could use former players or something like that.

im fine how it is my roster is very international anyway.