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Advice, I just got promoted, and I´m loosing, big time

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From: Fishy
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Date: 5/21/2011 5:07:14 PM
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As I said, I just got promoted into the IV division. I thought I had a decent team, ready for the new level of play (yes, I realize that most of my opponents last year were bot teams) Now I realize my team is one of the worst in the league. Can anyone give me advice? What changes should I make to my team?

If the V division is filled with mostly bots, what are the odds of my team actually being relegated at the end of this season?

From: Skyrider

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185540.3 in reply to 185540.1
Date: 5/21/2011 6:51:45 PM
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If you end up relegated, then you will end up relegated. Id say to you it's still early, Just get into atleast position 6 or 7 and win your relegation games.

From: Coolbobj

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185540.5 in reply to 185540.1
Date: 5/22/2011 3:07:09 AM
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The talent is there, the game shape isn't. You need to manage minutes better and if you do get good Game Shape(respectable, strong and proficient for all of your players who get playing time). Then you'll be okay.

Check the Suggestions they are important
From: phelps41

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185540.6 in reply to 185540.1
Date: 5/22/2011 2:49:00 PM
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Your team should be competitive. Based on your prev games I will offer some advice.

1. manage GS: Try not to play players for more than 70 minutes in an entire week. Also you game shape is so bad you might consider training it for a couple of weeks.

2. Use you depth: You are playing players for close to 48 minutes a game. Players who play past what their stamina lets them see a dramatic drop in performance. You have a deep team use it.

3. Manage Enth: Get your enthusiasm up to around 10. Do this by playing TIE for all the games. You probably lose a couple of games building it up,but it will payoff in the end. Also if youu get into a relegation series. Enth is almost always the determining factor.

The challenge of BB is not to amass the highest salary and better players. It is to manage your players and get the most out of them.

I was in a similar situation the first season I promoted and I wound up in 4th place. Follow the step above and you should be okay.

From: JT

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185540.7 in reply to 185540.6
Date: 5/22/2011 5:11:19 PM
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From: Fishy

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185540.8 in reply to 185540.6
Date: 5/25/2011 8:33:46 AM
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Aside from changing my starters, how would you recommend that I play my starters less, and use my depth? which setting would tell the coach to substitute more?

Thanks for all your advice!

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185540.9 in reply to 185540.8
Date: 5/25/2011 9:40:53 AM
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Aside from changing my starters, how would you recommend that I play my starters less, and use my depth? which setting would tell the coach to substitute more?

Thanks for all your advice!

The setting to use is 'strictly follow depth chart'. That way you're telling the coach (approximately) how many minutes your want each player to get that game.

From: phelps41

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185540.10 in reply to 185540.8
Date: 5/25/2011 12:57:46 PM
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Also, its the starter you change. Do not put the starter as a backup in the same position. This is the most common mistake in BB. Playing players 48 minutes for training purposes cost you games. Never start you starter more than 2 games. In the scrimmage start your backups and use the "strictly follow the depth chart option"

From: Fishy

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185540.11 in reply to 185540.10
Date: 6/4/2011 8:55:04 AM
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Thanks, I didn´t know that about scrimmages