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Quick enthusiasm question

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Date: 6/4/2011 2:14:50 AM
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My enthusiasm is at 7 now. Today I need choose to play TIE or NORMAL. Next game is Allstar and Next one is Scrimmage, so all week my enthusiasm will not increase. So on the next week - Saturday, what my enthusiasm will be? 7? 6? Maybe at this point there are no benefit to play TIE? Maybe playing Normal and Playing TIE will give me the same enthusiasm outcome on next Saturday - 6 ?

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186541.2 in reply to 186541.1
Date: 6/4/2011 2:30:37 AM
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According to the CoachParrot, TIE would return you to about the exact same enthusiasm - 7 - next Saturday while playing normal would drop you close to 6.

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186541.3 in reply to 186541.2
Date: 6/4/2011 2:41:58 AM
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Thanks for info and for reminding about coach parrot.