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Draft Quandry

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Date: 6/14/2011 11:24:15 AM
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I have a dillemma here boys and girls. I have scouted and so far have three claer leaders for my top spot.
Player 1- 5 star 5 potential A+ rating 6'2 PG 19 years old.
Player 2- 5 star 4 potential A rating 7'0 C 18 years old.
Player 3- 5 star 4 potential A- rating 7'0 PF 18 years old.

Now I know 2 would be ahead of 3 because of the rating but how would you rank these 3??

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187309.2 in reply to 187309.1
Date: 6/14/2011 11:26:29 AM
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I would definitely go for the PG. IT has a good chance of hall of famer - all time great potential.
Less tiem to train, but you can always sell for a LARGE profit. Good potential guards cost ALOT.

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187309.3 in reply to 187309.1
Date: 6/14/2011 11:45:18 AM
Aussie Pride
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I would actually put 3 ahead of 2 just because a PF should have better guard skills then the C and training guard skills might be hard on a 7 footer.

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187309.4 in reply to 187309.1
Date: 6/14/2011 12:00:20 PM
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Nice dillemma to have. Hopefully you can draft more than 1 of them.

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187309.5 in reply to 187309.4
Date: 6/14/2011 12:09:12 PM
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I would go 3, 2, 1. PF could have better support skills than C, and 18 is better than 19. Plus the difference between A and A- is usually not that big, while the gap between A and A+ can be huge.

Last edited by Eminence Front at 6/14/2011 12:09:53 PM

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187309.6 in reply to 187309.5
Date: 6/14/2011 4:02:15 PM
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The pick can also depend of the trainees you have. If you have 2 guard trainees, 1 might be the best choice. I would probably go 3 2 1, with the PF having better guard skills, and can become a good C with decent secondaries without training them.

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187309.7 in reply to 187309.1
Date: 6/15/2011 5:26:48 PM
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So you guys think it would be worth drafting a guy with maybe slightly better guard skills instead of a guy with possibly better skills that bigs use more?

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187309.8 in reply to 187309.7
Date: 6/15/2011 5:59:06 PM
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Yes, because this way you will have to train secondaries less.

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187309.9 in reply to 187309.7
Date: 6/15/2011 7:31:34 PM
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Dang hopefully I can scout a few of these beasts myself haha, to bad I only have 2 scout points so far...