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Economy Page

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From: Rambo
This Post:
Date: 3/8/2008 7:50:23 PM
New York Jests
Overall Posts Rated:
From what I can tell, this is the weakest link of all the interface pages.
It is so full of holes, I think it deserves a complete overhaul.

Even after all the issues from a week or two ago were fixed, the page is still not intuitive. I believe it needs to have historical data stored or something. I can't get over the current week/previous week issue with certain cash flow being counted in one category and not the other. Also when you change something like scouting it shows up on the current page but is not calculated until the next week, throwing off the numbers shown. Plus, I would like to see a breakout of the transfer money and including the agent fees. Instead of lumping them all together why not include a section for transfers and listing them out? I know it is a secondary feature, but it just seems neglected.

If you would like me to clarify or expound on some of my objections I would be more than happy to. I would also be willing to help with suggestions and solutions if enough people share my sentiment.

From: dhoff

This Post:
18774.2 in reply to 18774.1
Date: 3/8/2008 7:53:32 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I would also love an overhaul of this page.

From: ZyZla

This Post:
18774.3 in reply to 18774.1
Date: 3/9/2008 7:08:26 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
you just said nice supporters feature... which could be included into supporter package...

ZyZla - ZyZlūnas ZyZlavotas ~c(=