Yeah, the Marauders beat the Marauders in an exciting game, which was close until Mobius was able to pull off an outstanding 4th quarter! All-star performances by Adrian Gomez (who had a 2x double-double) and Demostenes Ilundain (who also had a double-double) led the Marauders to victory!
Mobius now focuses their efforts on beating Bronx Swishers away, which is a relatively easy, but important game. They also see the consecutive games for Big Phillies (1st away against Umbara, 2nd home against Mobius) as battles that could very well shape who wins the Big 8.
In other news, Serapo's star acquisition has a stunning game against the Heart Throbs, pulling off a massive 11.5 rating. Looking at the team's roster, Mobius sees them as the #2 team in the league, and is definitely going for a better in-season record and homecourt advantage for the playoffs!
Finally, #4s now seems much weaker than they were at the beginning of the season, and looks to drop from playoff contention (unless Bronx Swishers goes inactive, which is likely to happen).