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Supporter contest

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From: Nex
This Post:
Date: 7/28/2011 1:47:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
M-am gandit la un concurs de training din sezonul trecut, iar cum e inceput de sezon e momentul perfect a-l incepe. In linii mari, cei care vor antrena cel mai eficient jucatorii romani tineri vor primi premii pachete de supporter. Scopul este de a motiva si recompensa antrenamentul de inalta calitate a tinerelor sperante.
Concursul e asemanator cu cele facute de LA-zajino acum cateva sezoane.
Regulile sunt urmatoarele:
1. poate participa oricine manager (roman sau strain) care antreneaza jucatori romani care au potentialul de a face parte din U21 sau care face deja parte din U21; ce inseamna a avea potential pt U21 ? orice varsta intre 18 si 21 (si sa fi inceput antrenamentul de la 18 ani), a avea un pontetial minim de allstar (6), si un salariu din draft de minim $3000 (sau foarte apropiat, gen $29XX);
2. managerii care vor sa participe, sunt rugati sa-mi trimita un mail - (105971) , cu skill-urile jucatorilor eligibili (din draft pt cei de 18 ani, de la inceputul sezonului pt restul), cu tot cu DMI; in cazul in care un manager se va inscrie, iar jucatorul/ii lui nu au cerintele minime, el va fi instiintat ca nu poate participa; in caz contrat va fi inscris automat;
vor fi luati in calcul si cei care nu se vor inscrie (din varii motive), dar sansele de castig sunt mult mai mici, deoarece evaluarea nu poate fi facuta la fel de eficient;
3. in fiecare vineri, dupa update-ul de training, managerii participanti sunt rugati sa-mi trimita un mail cu noile skill-uri, inclusiv DMI-ul (pt a estima cresterea sub-skill-urilor, in caz ca nici un skill pop nu are loc); ei vor primi un numar de puncte in functie de ce skill-uri (sau sub-skill-uri) au crescut; voi publica in curand un tabel cu valoari;
4. in cazul in care un jucator nu va juca deloc din cauza accidentarilor, acel jucator va primi un sfert din punctajul pe care l-a primit saptamana precedenta; in cazul in care va juca intre 0 si 45 de minute va primi jumatate din scorul de saptamana trecuta;
5. in cazul in care un manager uita sa trimita noile skill-uri intr-o saptamana, ele vor fi actualizate la urmatorul training update; cand va intarzia mai multe de 3 saptamani, acele skill pop-uri din saptamanile lipsa vor avea o penalizare de 10%;
6. unui manager care antreneaza 2 jucatori eligibili, li se va cumula punctele celor 2 jucatori in scorul total;
7. in all-star break, vor fi postate niste rezultate preliminare; la sfarsitul sezonului se desemneaza castigatorii de catre staff-ul U21, si vor fi postati;
8. regretabil, membrii staff-ului U21 nu pot participa la acest concurs (din motive evidente);

Premiul I - supporter pe 1 an
Premiul II - supporter pe 9 luni (3x3)
Premiul III - supporter pe 6 luni (3x2)
Premiul IV - supporter pe 3 luni

Formular de inscriere:
Nume manager:
Nume echipa:
Liga, tara:
Nume jucator si ID:
Skill-uri (incluzand DMI):
Ultimele 2 randuri se repeta daca sunt mai mult de 1 jucator.
Nota: daca puneti skill-urile in alta limba decat engleza, va rog sa specificati in paranteze si numarul nivelul - ex: strong (8)

- un nivel mai mare al trainerului si al doctorului va aduce rezultate mult mai bune (desigur luati in considerare posibilitatile si economia proprie; nu are rost sa va decimati echipa doar pt a va creste sansele de castig);
- antrenati cat mai mult posibil pe 1 singura pozitie (cu exceptia skill-urile care nu se pot antrena decat pe 2);
- considerati si training-ul echilibrat (acordand atentie si skill-urile secundare); si pentru jucatori de interior, skill-uri ca handeling si passing conteaza mult;
- cand setati un jucator sa joace in afara pozitiei pt antrenament, nu uitat sa setati din tactici sa joace aparare pt pozitia lui normala;
- pastrati forma jucatorilor cat mai mare (8 sau 9);

Acest concurs se rezuma doar pt jucatorii de U21, deoarece este un experiment; daca va avea succes, sezonul viitor va fi extins si pt nationala mare.

Last edited by Nex at 11/2/2011 9:25:26 AM

From: Nex

To: Nex
This Post:
192221.2 in reply to 192221.1
Date: 7/28/2011 1:47:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I've thought about this since last season, and since it's finally the beginning of a new season, it's time to get this started. For the most part, the managers that train most efficiently their Romanian trainees, will receive supporter packs as prizes. The goal is to motivate and to reward high quality training.
This contest is similar to the ones LA-zajino made a few seasons back.
The rules are the following:
1. any manager (Romanian or foreign) that trains young Romanian trainees that have the potential to be in the Romanian U21, or already are, is free to participate;
what does the potential to be in U21 entitle ? the player age between 18 and 21, and his training must be (or must have been) started at the age of 18; the player needs to have a minim potential of allstar (6), and a minimum draft salary of $3000 (or something very close, like $29XX);
2. the managers that want to participate should send me a mail - (105971), with the players' skills, including DMI (complete the form below); in the case that a manager submits his entry but his player/s do not meet the minimum requirements he will be notified that he can't participate; otherwise, he will be entered automatically;
managers that don't register will be taken into account as well, however their chance of winning is much slimmer, since the evaluation of those players can't be done in an efficient manner;
3. every Friday, after the training update, registered managers should send me a mail with their players' updated skill sets, including DMI (to estimate the increase of their sub-skills in case there’s no skill pop); they will receive a number of points according to what skills or sub-skills have increased; I will publish these numbers soon;
4. in case a player won’t have played at all in a week, due to injuries, he will receive a quarter of the points received in the previous week; in case he plays between 0 and 45 he will receive half;
5. in case a manager doesn’t send the new skills within a week, they will be updated after the next training update; in case he’ll be late for more than 3 weeks, the skill pops from the missing weeks will have a 10% penalty;
6. a manager who trains more than 1 eligible player, will have the points from all of his players added to his final score;
7. during the all-star break, some preliminary results will be posted; during the off-season, the whole data will be analyzed by the U21 staff and the results will be posted;
8. the U21 staff can’t participate in the contest, due to obvious reasons;

I – 1 years of supporter
II – 9 months of supporter (3x3)
III – 6 months of supporter (3x2)
IV – 3 months of supporter

Registration form:
Manager name:
Team name:
League, country:
Player name & ID:
Player skills (including DMI):
The last 2 rows will repeat in case of multiple players.
Note: please complete the form in English.

- a higher level trainer and doctor will yield better results (of course you need to consider your economy and possibilities; there’s no point in hurting your team only to increase your chances of winning);
- train as much as possible on 1 position (with the exception of certain skills that can be only trained on 2);
- consider balanced training (taking into account secondary skills as well); even for inside players, skills like handling and passing count a lot;
- when playing someone outside of position for training purposes, make sure to set in the tactics page that he plays defense for his original position;
- keep your game shape as high as possible (8 or 9);

This contest applies only to U21, because it’s an experiment; if successful, next season will be expanded to the senior national team (it will include players over 21).
With that, I wish good luck to anyone who will participate.

Last edited by Nex at 8/14/2011 7:29:37 PM

From: Nex
This Post:
192221.3 in reply to 192221.2
Date: 11/2/2011 9:35:02 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

Rezultatele concursului de supporter de sezonului trecut (cu mici intarzieri):

Locul I - 12 luni suporter - BuzzerBobo - "U" Mobitelco Cluj (105435)

Locul II - 9 luni suporter - chelitto - Ham Ham (57155)

Locul III - 6 luni suporter - Alec Leu - Bullsuletzii (56963)

Locul IV - 3 luni suporter - ickxxx - Jibou NRG (57147)

Felicitari castigatorilor.

From: BuzzerBobo

To: Nex
This Post:
192221.4 in reply to 192221.3
Date: 11/2/2011 9:52:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
ms de premiu :) sper sa nu dezamagesc sezonulasta si sa continui la fel cu antrenamentele :)

From: GM-Remus

To: Nex
This Post:
192221.5 in reply to 192221.4
Date: 11/2/2011 10:51:14 AM
BV Pistons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BV Pistons II
Felicitari baietilor, si ii multumim lui Nex pentru premii!!

This Post:
192221.6 in reply to 192221.5
Date: 11/2/2011 1:08:53 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
eo am si uitat de concursul acesta..cred ca aveam si eo sanse cu Gratian l un premiu mic mic...:o3:))

This Post:
192221.7 in reply to 192221.6
Date: 11/6/2011 9:11:43 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Doar tu.............. eu am uitat de Petrus Bica aveam sanse