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Suggestions > Disabling animated gifs on forum

Disabling animated gifs on forum

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Date: 8/3/2011 5:02:20 PM
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Is it possible to forbid to use animated gifs on forum? And all big images as well?
Please respect our time and bandwidth. Forum isn't christmas tree ;-)
I don't want to disable in adblock all avatars because many of them are nice.
Maybe there should be limit of size (for example 80x80px or 160x160px and 100kB or 200kB or something like that).
But not 2M ;-)
One of "avatars":
It has 2MB. I must wait 20-30 seconds before page will be loaded completely. I still remember when my PC had less memory in past ;-)

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193193.3 in reply to 193193.2
Date: 8/3/2011 6:25:34 PM
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but overall i had to agree with him, i think a size limit or a limited resolution would be fine for the pics.

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193193.5 in reply to 193193.2
Date: 8/3/2011 6:44:52 PM
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With 1Mb/s = 1MB/8s = 2MB/16s
With 512kb/s = 0,5Mb/s = 2MB/32s
Modem was ~20-30kb/s with good wires (as far as i remember 56 theoretically).
Please note that many users use mobile internet and these speeds are typical. If You open 2-3 sites simultaneously than half a minute isn't unusual.
2MB avatar is unreasonable. If You want to put videos into internet please use YouTube, not BuzzerBeater.

Last edited by B.B.King at 8/3/2011 6:45:21 PM

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193193.6 in reply to 193193.4
Date: 8/3/2011 6:54:34 PM
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the question is did you need that resolution? This picture is imho 4 times as big then it is displayed here.

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193193.8 in reply to 193193.2
Date: 8/3/2011 7:52:01 PM
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I remember my first computer was back in like 1985, commadore lol..64kb of memory.

I'm so jealous.

/former VIC-20 owner

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193193.9 in reply to 193193.8
Date: 8/3/2011 8:10:03 PM
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I preferred the Guy Fawkes avatar better myself.