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Suggestions > Training Plans

Training Plans

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Date: 8/6/2011 11:10:14 AM
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On the training page above where you pick your training for the week add a drop down menu with different training plans to pick from, Something like........

Plan A

90% Primary and Secondary skills 10% Random (The way the BB's changed the training to this season)

Plan B

90% Primary and Secondary Skills (like the old way but you only get 90% training and you don't get the 10% training for random skills since some people don't like the random popping on what they think is useless skills and make the players cap quicker, and salary increases on random skills )

Plan C

70% Primary and you get to pick where you want the 15% to go for your Secondary

This idea is about the Plans and giving people the choice to pick how they want to train. The percentages are just a rough guide i did, the BB's would have to work out the percentages.

Last edited by whitemaggot at 8/6/2011 11:18:21 AM

This Post:
193473.2 in reply to 193473.1
Date: 8/6/2011 11:30:43 AM
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I dunno, there was a poll for this (192508.1) and it looks like most people would use random cs either way... Well it would stop Marots and co. crying but still it looks like kind of unnecesarry. I'm not against this kind of update but there are always other things to work on...

As for plan C 15 percent looks a lot... i would go for 70 and 10 or 75 and 10

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193473.3 in reply to 193473.2
Date: 8/6/2011 12:20:15 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I dunno, there was a poll for this (192508.1) and it looks like most people would use random cs either way.

The poll does not show Most people would use random cs either way.

As for plan C 15 percent looks a lot... i would go for 70 and 10 or 75 and 10

As i said before the BB's would have to work out the percentages as it was only an example and they are the only one's that know the formulas.

They can have as many plans as they want, the idea is to let everyone pick there own plan and not just what Most people want to do.

Last edited by whitemaggot at 8/6/2011 12:21:20 PM