All right everyone, here are your questions for Week 2's clashes- NT vs. Puerto Rico, and U21 vs. Israel. If you missed the first week, we will spot you a couple points. Without further ado:
1) What will the USA NT final score be vs. Puerto Rico?
A. USA by 52+ (3pts)
B. USA by 1-52 (3pts)
C. USA by 63 exactly (10pts)
D. Puerto Rico Win (7pts)
2) What USA NT player will grab the final rebound of the game?
A. Jairo Alejandro Renteria (3pts)
B. Irwin Velasco (3pts)
C. Ricky Logsdon (5pts)
D. Other (1pt)
3) What Puerto Rican NT player will be the high scorer for their squad?
A. Alfonso Vizcarreto (4pts)
B. Fabricio Silveira (4pts)
C. Ignacio Seras Malo (5pts)
D. Other (2pts)
4) Which team will commit the first flagrant foul?
A. USA (5pts)
B. Puerto Rico (5pts)
C. No Flagrants (1pt)
5) Final Score of 51 Ecuador NT vs. 67 Venezuela NT?
A. Ecuador by 10+ (3pts)
B. Ecudaor by 1-9 (3pts)
C. Venezuela by1-9 (3pts)
D. Venezuela by 10+ (3pts)
6) What will the U21 final be against Israel?
A. USA by 10+ (4 pts)
B. USA by 2-9 (3 pts)
C. USA by 1 (5 pts)
D. Israel win (3 pts)
7) Which U21 player will score the final point(s) of the game for the US?
A. Jimmie Brown (3 pts)
B. Jarvis Carlson (4 pts)
C. Any big (2 pts)
D. Kenny Luther (5 pts)
8) Which team will have someone foul out first?
A. USA (3 pts)
B. Israel (4 pts)
C. Neither (3 pts)
9) Final of #9 Hong Kong vs. #6 Spain?
A. Hong Kong by 10+ (5 pts)
B. Hong Kong by 1-9 (4 pts)
C. Spain by 10+ (4 pts)
D. Spain by 1-9 (3 pts)
10) Which team will have the leading scorer?
A. USA (6 pts)
B. Israel (6 pts)
Keep up with discussion from both games in our offsite forum:, Azariah's prediction contest is also on going: Luck to everyone, and to those in the way of Irene, stay safe!