when does the BB week start?
below is the USA schedule
( I am sure the rules have a similar week for The Netherlands
The weekly schedule for the USA (using next week as an example) is:
Event Type Start Time
Daily Update 10/17/2007 1:00:00 AM
Daily Update 10/18/2007 1:00:00 AM
Cup Game/Scrimmage 10/18/2007 6:00:00 PM
Daily Update 10/19/2007 1:00:00 AM
Training Update 10/19/2007 2:00:00 AMDaily Update 10/20/2007 1:00:00 AM
League Game 10/20/2007 6:00:00 PM
Daily Update 10/21/2007 1:00:00 AM
Daily Update 10/22/2007 1:00:00 AM
Financial Update 10/22/2007 2:00:00 AMDaily Update 10/23/2007 1:00:00 AM
League Game 10/23/2007 6:00:00 PM
my guess is that the week ends with one of the two in bold. Either the Training update or the Financial Update. My guess is that it is the Financial update
I HAVE read the rules, searching for instances of "week" and there is no mention of when the week actually ends. I assume training will be based on the games since the last training update. but am not sure on that.
I just re-read the training part of the rules-
it just states
Players should ideally get 48 minutes per week, or one full game, in order to get the maximum benefit from their training
is that a BB week ( and when does that end) or a calendar week??
Edited 10/17/2007 5:35:14 AM by dennis54