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Playing guys out of position

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From: Dmitri
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Date: 9/1/2011 4:14:34 PM
Delta 9
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Second Team:
Euphoria Seekers
Sometimes in order to make sure I don't rout a team in a scrimmage (thus ruining my training plans), I assign my Center to play SG and place other players out of position. Basically, I mix up my rotation so as to make my team ratings as bad possible.

I worry though, that playing guys out of position increases chances of injury. Am I just paranoid or has anyone else come to believe this?

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195545.2 in reply to 195545.1
Date: 9/1/2011 6:15:56 PM
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There is not an increase of injury risk but your players will foul more and may even foul out. But from what I've noticed and read players get injured randomly.

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195545.3 in reply to 195545.2
Date: 9/1/2011 6:37:08 PM
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Gameshape and age are important, but the randmoness is there.-

From: wengweng

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195545.4 in reply to 195545.1
Date: 9/1/2011 6:59:02 PM
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A player can only be injured by playing a game but playing a guy out of his position does not increase chances of injury.