I have 4 trainees. I will sell one of them. I want to a balanced guard, pg and sg.
Trainee 1: Pot: All-Star Height: 6'3'' / 190 cm AGE: 18
Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: average Handling: strong
Driving: strong Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: mediocre Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: respectable
Trainee 2: Pot: All-Star Height: 6'0'' / 183 cm AGE: 18
Jump Shot: average ↑ Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: strong ↑
Driving: strong Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: pitiful
Stamina: respectable Free Throw: inept
Trainee 3: Pot: All-Star Height: 6'1'' / 185 cm AGE:18
Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: average Handling: strong ↑
Driving: strong Passing: average
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: pitiful Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: inept Free Throw: average
Trainee 4: Pot: Perennial All-Star Height: 6'3'' / 190 cm AGE:18
Jump Shot: proficient ↑ Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: respectable
Driving: proficient ↑ Passing: inept
Inside Shot: pitiful Inside Def.: atrocious
Rebounding: awful Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: inept Free Throw: atrocious
Choose one of them to sell. And then what should i train :) 1 week 1on1 4 G, 2 weeks 1on1 for F, 14 weeks OD, 5 weeks PA, then Outside Shooting and Jump Shot to 11-12. I must train 1on1 because i have 5 trainee.
Last edited by -Kahraman- at 9/6/2011 4:03:51 AM