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Highest Bidder WTF

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From: Mitch14
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Date: 11/1/2011 6:28:59 PM
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Last night i was trying to buy a player the when the auction finished i was the highest bidder and it said the auction had finished....20 mins later it still said the auction had finished and i was the highest bidder but the player hadnt been transferred to my roster so i went to bed happy with my new purchase a type of player i had been searching for for weeks.When i log on in the morning much to my disgust i find out that someone else owns him.How can i be outbid when the auction has ended?I couldnt bid so how can someone else?

From: rcvaz

This Post:
200761.2 in reply to 200761.1
Date: 11/1/2011 9:09:54 PM
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You should post this on the bugs forum, there was a similar issue a few days ago. My guess is that since the site is running poorly, they may have extended the transfer period. But it's very weird to do it after the auction had ended...

From: zyler

This Post:
200761.3 in reply to 200761.1
Date: 11/1/2011 9:36:21 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
ive seen this 4 times in the last few weeks.

find the bug post.

to explain it , basically you bought the player but he was never removed of the transfer list even after he joint your team , someone else then bidded on him and he transfers a few hours later , its a major bug and needs to be fixed immediately