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BB Canada > Canada Division III Season 18

Canada Division III Season 18

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From: Bballin
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Date: 11/1/2011 9:24:34 PM
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This is a first in BB Canada Forum history! (I think).

A thread dedicated to the underrated division III commmunity out there. I personally love division III and this thread will be a good place to discuss all things division III and Ill probably talk about naismith and division II every now and then as well.

My first idea would be to do a league preview soon, probably after the first game of the season. Then compile a top 20 or 25. Then I would update both by the allstar break, followed by the playoff previews and then finals preview and will probably finish up with a summarizing post summarizing this season in general and listing all the new division II teams and pick the best division III rookie of the year. Last years winner? The Hounds (25054) who were in and out of division III in one season and in impressive fashion too!

If any division III teams want to brag about their team right now, be my guest :)

This Post:
200798.2 in reply to 200798.1
Date: 11/1/2011 10:04:12 PM
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This sounds awesome.

Maybe if any of the teams who want to brag could post about this in their league forum and get some guys to talk in this thread that would be great. Would love to see some more discussions in the Canada forum this season.

Canada NT Manager
From: kpd

This Post:
200798.3 in reply to 200798.1
Date: 11/2/2011 1:40:18 AM
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Thats great man i would love to see more div III dicussions on here tooo

From: RA Blaze

To: kpd
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200798.4 in reply to 200798.3
Date: 11/4/2011 8:27:42 PM
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I've decided that this, my 2nd III.9 season I'm trying to keep my salary low and rake in as much cash as possible, while still trying to compete and improve my team. I started playing only 2.5 seasons ago and have spend alot of cash on stupid transfers early on, good enough moves to get out of DivIV but I feel really flawed in DivIII. I NEED to pick one of my prospects to seriously focus on. For most of my BB tenure I have been 2 position training trying to improve my overall team and depth. I have a few 21yo's now that I havent given enough one position training, but they all have decent secondaries and decent depth in all skills. I think I still have a few seasons left of training on them before they will really slow down. I need to pick one, and get his primary skills up.

Who should I pick of my 21yo's to primary train? Or can I get away with continuing to 2 position train? I know they all have flaws.

Player 1
Jump Shot: average Jump Range: mediocre
Outside Def.: awful Handling: mediocre
Driving: respectable Passing: respectable
Inside Shot: respectable Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: strong Free Throw: proficient

Player 2
Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: strong
Driving: prominent Passing: average
Inside Shot: average Inside Def.: respectable
Rebounding: mediocre Shot Blocking: respectable
Stamina: average Free Throw: inept

Player 3
Jump Shot: strong Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: proficient Handling: proficient
Driving: prominent Passing: mediocre
Inside Shot: strong Inside Def.: strong
Rebounding: inept Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: inept Free Throw: pitiful

Last edited by RA Blaze at 11/4/2011 10:49:33 PM

This Post:
200798.5 in reply to 200798.4
Date: 11/4/2011 10:11:32 PM
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We would be more of a help if we knew what their potential and height were otherwise choosing one to focus on is tough.

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200798.6 in reply to 200798.4
Date: 11/4/2011 10:23:21 PM
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After looking at your rostee, all your 21 yo seem to have decent potential so id go with the third one!

This Post:
200798.7 in reply to 200798.6
Date: 11/4/2011 10:47:12 PM
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Didn't post potential/height because I want to leave a little mystery of who each is. I play them all quite a bit of minutes, don't want my Div mates to know exactly which is which lol. They can be monsters with high enthusiasm and gameshape against unexpecting opponents.

But they all kinda suck, I hope to get them a few prolifics by the end of the season. They would make some damn good 19 yo's though. Too bad my drafting luck is crap, and I can't seem to save enough money for an amazing trainee/higher priced vet. They are "respectable" players, and would rock DivIV

Bring on the season!

PS: Pangaa sucks! RAWR!

This Post:
200798.8 in reply to 200798.7
Date: 11/4/2011 10:50:58 PM
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Yeah I figured thatd be the reason, especially this is the thread all div III managers will be looking at :P

you can BBMail me and ill try and be of further assistance though :)

This Post:
200798.9 in reply to 200798.4
Date: 11/5/2011 12:17:01 AM
Syndicalists' BC
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Imho, I would only focus on training the 3rd one, and try to pick up some 100-150k trainees off the transfer list if you can afford it. I'd recommend picking up some short Perrenial allstar+ potential and ~45+ total skills for 18 y/o, or ~55+ skills for a 19 y/o. The other 2 players can slide in as your temporary PF/Cs if you don't have better ones, as you train PG.

From: Bballin

This Post:
200798.10 in reply to 200798.1
Date: 11/5/2011 12:33:06 AM
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Im starting scouting the division III leagues for previews now so slowly, league by league ill get this done ;)

From: kpd

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200798.11 in reply to 200798.4
Date: 11/5/2011 1:28:24 AM
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i think you should definitely go with #3 the other guys can be like your backups or sumthing.... n like buy a good trainee this yr 18-19 yrs old and train him up and then like you said you were gonna scout a lot so try getting someone from the draft to train with your new trainee aswell next season.... thats what i would do..... n two position might be a good idea since they are 21 and you can get 7-8 pops out of em so maybe start 1 pos next season

Last edited by kpd at 11/5/2011 1:30:25 AM