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Date: 11/10/2011 2:26:31 PM
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Can you please take a look at this game (39521080) and give your comments?

I TIEd it because I was sure I had no chance against a IV team.
Also, I used LI just because I thought he would have used an outside-focused defense (like he did), and not because I like LI for my team (my offensive flow is poor).

In the end, I lost by a lot less than expected, despite the horrible %s of my big men.
Do you think that I could have won by:
1) setting enthusiasm at Normal (or CT)
2) playing a different offense (maybe RnG or Patient)


Last edited by Stavrogin at 11/10/2011 2:28:45 PM

From: rcvaz

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202085.2 in reply to 202085.1
Date: 11/10/2011 2:32:12 PM
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1) 12 points is not much, so playing Normal would have made it a lot close. But there's no way of knowing if you would have won

2) Why would you play a different offense? His 1-3-1 zone left the inside less guarded, and your 19 offensive rebounds helped you stay close, I imagine. Against a better team, it's often a good idea to try and slow down the pace, so for an inside offense it would have been Low Post instead of LI. But I think your choice of offensive tactic was good. Maybe defending 3-2 would have stopped his outside shooting some more

From: Stavrogin

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202085.3 in reply to 202085.2
Date: 11/10/2011 2:43:27 PM
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I guess you're right. The problem I see with Look Inside is that my Center is a nice rookie, but clearly not good enough to contribute offensively in this game (0-7).

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202085.4 in reply to 202085.3
Date: 11/10/2011 4:39:23 PM
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his PG also was a rookie, and he set the right defense for you. At least i don't see the big difference betwen your two teams, but maybe he calculated with your forfeit^^

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202085.5 in reply to 202085.4
Date: 11/10/2011 5:24:16 PM
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I don't know.
The first time I read the boxscore I was like 'I just threw 50k in the toilet' but maybe it isn't so...