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economy history

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From: Fluff
This Post:
Date: 11/19/2011 3:53:29 AM
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is there a set number of weeks/seasons before past events drop off the list?
The example i have in mind is when filtered by staff severance/bonus i can see i hired/fired a trainer a few months ago, but not when i hired/fired my PR or doctor last which would be at least one season ago, likely 2 or possibly 3.
I would find it useful to see this history, or the date i acquired them, so i can plan to replace them

From: Fluff

This Post:
202875.3 in reply to 202875.2
Date: 11/19/2011 1:31:02 PM
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but i cant understand why it would only show you the latest severance/bonus fee? why not show them all until the space is filled, or show them all in the last year? it cant be > 1year ago i replaced my doc and pr manager...

From: Fluff

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202875.5 in reply to 202875.4
Date: 11/21/2011 2:22:26 AM
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all i have on my history for staff bonus/severance is my trainer on 19 august. nothing before or after this...
so perhaps i can deduce i must have bought my doctor and trainer july at the latest?