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From: CrazyEye

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203099.2 in reply to 203099.1
Date: 11/22/2011 4:01:34 AM
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they will be most likely from new generated teams, their dmi get claculated at their first training update.

(even when this didn't work with 120minute playing time, so you need a new theory)

Last edited by CrazyEye at 11/22/2011 4:02:23 AM

From: B.B.King

This Post:
203099.5 in reply to 203099.1
Date: 11/22/2011 8:55:54 AM
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It's normal. In game we have ~50k alive clubs and ~190k bots. Please imagine what should happen if all bots have normal training update - every training will end on Tuesday.
You can't call players being in bots, they are lost, so there is no sense to scout bots.

This Post:
203099.8 in reply to 203099.5
Date: 11/22/2011 10:55:30 PM
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Just wondering why doesn't BB cut out atleast 50% of bot teams from each country, wouldn't that make this game run smoother?

From: myToast
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203099.10 in reply to 203099.9
Date: 11/23/2011 4:02:20 AM
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they can't cut the bot, because the database will then be full of holes
and by the way the hierarchy of the current division system will then fail
because for the bottom leagues, there will be not be enough teams
to keep the 16team system

From: strilfe

This Post:
203099.11 in reply to 203099.8
Date: 11/23/2011 7:42:47 AM
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As bots play the same offense and all, probably it wouldn't make a difference.