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SG shooting in Look Inside

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203114.3 in reply to 203114.1
Date: 11/22/2011 11:45:54 AM
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This game makes no sense the guy wtih no DR/IS takes all the shots. Either this game was specifically modified or something bugged out.

Did you ever think that EXPERIENCE was the culprit? You did start a 32 yr old(BUM) at SG. You were trailing the whole game( I went back and looked, you never had the lead). So, could your team be trying to rely on the guy with the most experience? I don't know what the experience levels on your players were but tonight when I was down it was Kirk(strong experience) hitting huge buckets and getting a steal with 8 seconds left on the game clock to seal the win and it was Pires(respectable experience) who dunked the ball with 13 seconds to play to give me a 1 point lead.
My take...High Experience on a good player is a good thing.....High experience on a bad player is a really bad thing(5-26 bad)

From: Manouche

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203114.4 in reply to 203114.1
Date: 11/22/2011 1:45:59 PM
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You have never seen this happen. This kind of game is the most discussed one in the OMG how did I lose thread and it is typical of how LI can fail. But I get it you are too busy posting to read the forum.
Nothing personal Wolph, I wish you'd understand how infuriating you can be sometimes posting with authority when you show you have no clue what you are talking about. This is probably the most famous kind of games in BB.

I suggest you take a break from posting, read a few of the 'technical' threads, digest them and come back to posting in a few weeks. Or months if you need them.

Were your bigs any good ? No. Apparently they couldn't find good shooting positions. Nobody in your team could find good opportunities except maybe your SF, or was he a bit lucky ?
It was a very defensive game, 58 points, oh my...what a fail ! It looked like a game from the Greek league ;) Sorry Greek buddies, it was a cheap shot, I know.
You couldn't find any shooting position so your SG tried layups after layups because at one point you have to try something or give up the ball. Somehow it wasn't such a defavorable matchup. What defends on driving according to you ?
There are hot and 'cold' streaks coded in the GE, this you didn't know :) He started missing and it made things worse. And he played a full game, it made things even worse.

Since the last time I answered to you in this part of the forum, do you make a difference between 2pt jump shots and layups in your players stats?
Your SG has driving despite what you say, I'd almost bet it is his higher skill. Be honest.

From: Marot

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203114.5 in reply to 203114.1
Date: 11/22/2011 6:27:52 PM
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I have never seen this happen. You are welcome to look at the SG that took all the shots. Basically lowest all scoring stats, DR, IS etc.

This is LI offence. Why did SG take all teh shots?

Opponent played LI and his bigs took shots, this is normal.

Some games I play LI and my PG, SG or SF takes all the shots but this is with big mismatch and lots of DR on that guy.

This game makes no sense the guy wtih no DR/IS takes all the shots
. Either this game was specifically modified or something bugged out.

This is not normal behavior.

And why you put on the lineup a guy with no DR/IS, GS6 and play LI?

If your outside players take many shots when you play LI it's basically for 2 reasons;

1- You face an opponent with good ID(mikel in fact has good ID)


2- You are not using the right outside players to play LI.

Last edited by Marot at 11/22/2011 6:29:36 PM

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203114.9 in reply to 203114.4
Date: 11/22/2011 7:51:01 PM
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You have never seen this happen. This kind of game is the most discussed one in the OMG how did I lose thread and it is typical of how LI can fail. But I get it you are too busy posting to read the forum.
Nothing personal Wolph, I wish you'd understand how infuriating you can be sometimes posting with authority when you show you have no clue what you are talking about. This is probably the most famous kind of games in BB.

I suggest you take a break from posting, read a few of the 'technical' threads, digest them and come back to posting in a few weeks. Or months if you need them.

Were your bigs any good ? No. Apparently they couldn't find good shooting positions. Nobody in your team could find good opportunities except maybe your SF, or was he a bit lucky ?
It was a very defensive game, 58 points, oh my...what a fail ! It looked like a game from the Greek league ;) Sorry Greek buddies, it was a cheap shot, I know.
You couldn't find any shooting position so your SG tried layups after layups because at one point you have to try something or give up the ball. Somehow it wasn't such a defavorable matchup. What defends on driving according to you ?
There are hot and 'cold' streaks coded in the GE, this you didn't know He started missing and it made things worse. And he played a full game, it made things even worse.

Since the last time I answered to you in this part of the forum, do you make a difference between 2pt jump shots and layups in your players stats?
Your SG has driving despite what you say, I'd almost bet it is his higher skill. Be honest.

Great post....I think what you said is right on.

This Post:
203114.10 in reply to 203114.5
Date: 11/22/2011 7:52:47 PM
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And why you put on the lineup a guy with no DR/IS, GS6 and play LI?

Now that is a great question... He was playing another 4-1 team who isn't a bum. Big mistake.