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Buzzerbeater application on smartphones

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From: Coach Q
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Date: 11/23/2011 7:17:33 AM
Basket Mizu Arlon
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Second Team:
Hi guys,

could someone tell me what the latest news are on a possible bb application on smartphones? and are lives still complicated to follow under android?

thanks a lot!

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203196.2 in reply to 203196.1
Date: 11/23/2011 9:00:37 AM
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If you can get flash on your smartphone then you can watch the games.
But a BB App would be nice. BB should develop it, or change the gameviewer to html5.

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
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203196.3 in reply to 203196.1
Date: 11/23/2011 9:30:02 AM
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and are lives still complicated to follow under android?

i believe it never was, the problem was with Apple phone who don't have flash. Currently livegames are at least for me the best thing to use for mobile Buzzerbeater, cause the navigation on the cell phone is tricky with the long menus.

but i used it to check forum or mail, also in the past it is still possible. but i wouldn't make a lineup that way.

could someone tell me what the latest news are on a possible bb application on smartphones?

i heard no news about it, so i doubt that there is coming something.

PS: i move this to the help section.

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203196.4 in reply to 203196.2
Date: 11/24/2011 7:43:33 AM
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Even just lines saying what is going on would be good. :) It doesn't require flash. Unless if the whole game is based on flash which I doubt. Some of it has to be stored in databases.