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Help with setting my line up

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From: Fishy
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Date: 11/30/2011 6:39:24 PM
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I currently have 3 Centers that I am training. I played one in my game yesterday. I set him up as the starter, the back up and the bench player for the C position. I told the coach to "let them play" if they get in foul troubles and "strictly follow depth chart" but my Center still only played the first 36 minutes. At the start of the 4th quarter he was substituted out, and did not step back onto the court. Anyone know why?

From: nelsonalb

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203722.2 in reply to 203722.1
Date: 11/30/2011 6:53:01 PM
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you need to fill out every slot on the depth chart just in case the coach decides to play your player at pf or something else. If you do that plus naming your center as starter,bench and reserve plus strictly depth chart and let them play. you shouldn't have more problems , unless he fouls out