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New engine game

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From: ned
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Date: 03/22/2008 17:43:15
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
Today I had the first match with the new engine. Some considerations; till now a PG can make foul only to the other PG, now it seems that he can make foul also to other players cause the FTs are shooted by other players.

I didn't see any difference in the % of jump shot, if possible my players had lower % than the previous game... I'm really wonder about it; today match:
22 - 76 9 - 34
Previous match, same offensive tactic:
34 - 81 12 - 36
What's wrong?

Charles has already written about too much fouls at the end of the game even if the gap result it's too high.

Having a TIE now is worst than before; if you play against a normal now you've more possibilities to lose the match. This is correct in my opinion but this should be introduced at the end of this season, anyway for the future this is a right decision imho

Random it seems limited and that's good.

Did you see other things or did you've a different experience?

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -
From: Emilio

To: ned
This Post:
20401.2 in reply to 20401.1
Date: 03/22/2008 19:27:12
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In general, I have got the feeling that my PG is taking a lot more participation on the game, so definitively he is feeling much more confident to take jump shots than before.
This is what I saw during the last two games (LP + League).
I´m not sure if it is because of the new engine or the increased stamina (trained this week).

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
This Post:
20401.3 in reply to 20401.1
Date: 03/22/2008 23:44:26
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2 things -

It seems like we got the original TIE/CT Game Engine where your team would run out of gas at a point and you would lose.

The other element which is missing is your current attitude level. Without knowing what the other teams attitude was at (and they are probably better than me already) My team went flat instead of just not executing.

Just my two cents. This change should of been implemented after everyones attitude was reset. We then would of seen the appropriate results.

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20401.4 in reply to 20401.3
Date: 03/22/2008 23:46:59
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2 things -

It seems like we got the original TIE/CT Game Engine where your team would run out of gas at a point and you would lose.

The other element which is missing is your current attitude level. Without knowing what the other teams attitude was at (and they are probably better than me already) My team went flat instead of just not executing.

Just my two cents. This change should of been implemented after everyones attitude was reset. We then would of seen the appropriate results.

Erm, I am not sure I am following you.

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
This Post:
20401.5 in reply to 20401.4
Date: 03/23/2008 00:09:29
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If you have played since season 2, you would remember when you would use TIE and it would be an automatic loss. Your team would stop playing offense and defense, and lose. This GE seems to revert back to that instead of just a rebounding edge.

My second point was attitude based. W/O knowing what my opponents attitude was going into the game, both of our attitudes seemed to be ignored. When you compare my game in my PL versus League there is some significant drop off in the League match. My PL opponent was pretty good too.

Finally, I think this change should of been implemented on an even playing field. To do this would mean every teams attitude would of been reset. By doing this, an even playing level is established and we can see what the result of the engine really is.

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20401.6 in reply to 20401.5
Date: 03/23/2008 00:16:43
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20401.7 in reply to 20401.6
Date: 03/23/2008 00:21:21
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Without giving too much away - can you add your attitude going into the game?

This Post:
20401.8 in reply to 20401.5
Date: 03/23/2008 00:52:34
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I play since the end of Season 2, so I don't remember the time when "TIE means an automatic loss". FWIW, I TIEd last game and won, albeit versus an inferior opponent. The only noticeable difference was the number of offensive rebounds.

W/O knowing what my opponents attitude was going into the game, both of our attitudes seemed to be ignored.
I don't understand this. Into which game? How is it ignored?

As for your last 2 games, you were at home for your PL game and away for the league game, which explains the ratings drop-off.

And then, there are more factors to consider. Did you use the exact same players? How were the minutes distributed? How did game shape change over the training update?

I don't see any dramatic drop-off in ratings other than ID, and your PF and C lost a total of 4.5 rating points between the two games. I imagine both of them lost game shape.

Last edited by GM-kozlodoev at 03/23/2008 00:56:27

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
This Post:
20401.9 in reply to 20401.8
Date: 03/23/2008 08:58:02
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Just one season ago, playing TIE was very probably synonym of losing the match even against weaker opponents, although not always, and playing CT gave you a victory almost for sure. The BB changed this and decreased the effect of attitude at the All-star break.

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
This Post:
20401.10 in reply to 20401.5
Date: 03/23/2008 08:58:25
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On the other hand, with the new system, just above the statistics tables you have a sentence telling what the attitude of the other team was with respect to yours. In this case (your last match) the other team put more effort than you therefore the match was Normal vs TIE or CT vs Normal.
You will also see the attitude of your team (N or TIE), so you can "guess" what the other team did (CT or N).

Last edited by Emilio at 03/23/2008 09:02:25

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: ned

This Post:
20401.11 in reply to 20401.9
Date: 03/23/2008 09:37:18
Freccia Azzurra
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I think exactly the opposite
Till now I've played TIE with good results, starting from now TIE is more dangerous than in the past, I've checked several matches and a vicotry using TIE seems not easy like one week ago.

1990-2022 Stalinorgel -