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building arena

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From: kpd
This Post:
Date: 12/8/2011 3:44:14 AM
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So how long does it usually take to build a 100 bleachers? i started mine 5 days ago n there are still 3 days left..... usually its done in 4-5 days whenever i build an amount similar to that

From: CrazyEye

To: kpd
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204171.2 in reply to 204171.1
Date: 12/8/2011 4:27:07 AM
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i normally count with expected building time * 1,5, i believe in medium i wasn't that off with it

This Post:
204171.3 in reply to 204171.2
Date: 12/8/2011 9:17:08 AM
Aussie Pride
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I'm lucky with my builders they always finish early. Last expansion estimated 10 days took 7 or 8.

From: kpd

This Post:
204171.4 in reply to 204171.2
Date: 12/8/2011 2:37:28 PM
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Ya but shouldnt 100 seats take less then the estimated time? like if i build 300-400 it makes sense but 100 isnt a lot of seats IMO

This Post:
204171.5 in reply to 204171.2
Date: 12/8/2011 2:40:21 PM
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i normally count with expected building time * 1,5, i believe in medium i wasn't that off with it

Cant say I agree. For bigger builds (over $200,000 or 9+ days) that rule definitely works for for smaller builds like this one it almost always takes less time than the site says. Ive seen a quick as 4 days.

From: CrazyEye

To: kpd
This Post:
204171.6 in reply to 204171.4
Date: 12/8/2011 3:04:09 PM
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Ya but shouldnt 100 seats take less then the estimated time? like if i build 300-400 it makes sense but 100 isnt a lot of seats IMO

normally raised to the maximum till the nuber of seats changed ;) Don't think that this mnake a different, and like always with building time there is luck involved.

This Post:
204171.7 in reply to 204171.5
Date: 12/9/2011 1:00:57 AM
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Ya exactly i have done like 100-200 before along with some other seats n its been done in like 4 days so seemed weird too me

From: kpd
This Post:
204171.8 in reply to 204171.7
Date: 12/9/2011 5:56:56 PM
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n its still stuck at 3 days :P

This Post:
204171.9 in reply to 204171.8
Date: 12/9/2011 6:37:33 PM
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I ordered almost 700 bleachers and 48 lower tier seats 7 days ago. $169000. Called for an 8 day build and it was the absolute most I could build without getting the "build will take 9 days to complete" message.

It finished this morning. 7 days.

Sorry about your luck.

This Post:
204171.10 in reply to 204171.9
Date: 12/10/2011 2:21:50 AM
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oh wow... i hope its done soon cause its so frustrating to see it at 3 days everyday

This Post:
204171.11 in reply to 204171.9
Date: 12/11/2011 11:38:52 PM
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In contrast, I purchased an expansion some 15 days ago for 1000 bleachers ($200000) and the estimated time was 10 days, yet it took exactly 14 days for it to complete (it was stuck on "1 day left" for 3 days straight, ugh).