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PG Training help

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From: thebag
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Date: 1/9/2012 6:14:56 PM
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I currently have a 21yr old PG who is sensational in all the main guard skills apart from JR in which he is respectable. What is the ideal make up of a PG and where should I go from here. What should I be aiming for regarding JR? Is it still possible to mould this guy in to a national team player over the next two/three seasons (considering Scotland is a very small nation)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

From: CoachSK

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206152.2 in reply to 206152.1
Date: 1/9/2012 8:53:12 PM
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Honestly if I were you I would contact the National team manager and seeing what he wants in his guards or PG's if I were you I would keep doing some OD until he messages you back.
This is the NT manager: (23507)

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