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Training on a capped player

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From: Mr. Hyde

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206383.2 in reply to 206383.1
Date: 1/13/2012 2:39:40 PM
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How did you estimate that he'll cap?
I have a player of the same potential sitting currently at 58K. He popped last week in Handling, but it has been at least 3 weeks now how I single-train him in Outside Shooting, and he doesn't seem to respond there at all. Do you think he will pop in Outside Shooting soon, say, maybe next week, or do you think he is capped(?); if so how come he popped in Handling then? He is 25, just for the record.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer your question, but any information is an information, and as such, helpful; even if it is another question :-)

From: B.B.King

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206383.4 in reply to 206383.1
Date: 1/13/2012 6:49:20 PM
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Training after cap exists. But when this player will be capped I recommend not to train 1on1. It would be wrong decision, it has no sence. However as far as player isn't capped 1on1 is one of the best choices.
Here is the best player with potential = 7 (sorry, I don't remember English names of potential) in whole BB: (9662425). Sometimes it is possible to see his skills, and (afaik) everybody who has ~3,5M or something like that, has chance to see his skills permanently ;-) So You can compare how long way is before You ;-)
Hard to say how training slows after cap. We still don't know speed of training before cap ;-) It looks like training of non capped 24yo player is twice longer than training of non capped 18yo player. So You must consider it.
I monitored few capped players. I expect that 26yo player needs over than dozen trainings to gain full level of skill.

Last edited by B.B.King at 1/13/2012 6:51:25 PM

From: thylacine

This Post:
206383.6 in reply to 206383.5
Date: 1/14/2012 1:05:24 PM
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9191 now includes percentage of the salary cap. It would be nice to know how accurate it is.