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Playoff game Vs.Phildelphia Eagles

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From: Murl
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Date: 1/13/2012 4:34:02 PM
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Ok so this season start with a lose to them then I got a win over them later on in the season. I played TIE the entire season because no team but the Coal Miners are as good as my team. I wonder should I PCT them because they are going to be a handful? I've see their main players and they are going to be a handful.I don't know if they pooped down but this is their build last I saw.
Clementino D´aremberg (6908202)JS: 12 JR 11
OD: 2 HA: 12
DR: 14 PA: Forgot
Weekly salary: $ 9 078 IS:3-6 ID: 7
DMI: 26900 RB: 5-7 SB:5
Age: 30
Height: 6'2" / 188 cm
Potential: perennial allstar

Andrzej Nasiadka(6023652) JS:11 JR:11
OD:4 HA:12
Weekly salary: $ 13 630 DR:12 PA:7
IS:4 ID:7
DMI: 43900 RB: 5-7 SB: 6
Age: 31
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: superstar

My team can stop Erik Davis(710228) and Mickey Bernstein (4484105) but the DR game of his player's make up for the poor OD. he runs a Base with a 2-3 for every game (side question: How is he not getting smoke because the league we are in plays Run & Gun a-lot.) He has gotten new players that probably have the same build so should I PCT or risk the PN ? It seem obvious but I want a second opinion? This seem sad but it only his first full season.

From: Murl
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206409.2 in reply to 206409.1
Date: 1/13/2012 11:13:56 PM
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No response so I guess I'll rephrase it.

Question 1. So the team I play to end the season are garbage, so I'm looking ahead to the semi finals.The team I play in the semi-finals has no perimeter D, but make up for it with high DR.How does that happen?

Question 2. Should I CT them and struggle against the Coal Miners in the playoffs or see if I can normal playoff them and keep my advantage over CM and PE?

From: Tmu1988

To: Murl
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206409.3 in reply to 206409.2
Date: 1/13/2012 11:32:33 PM
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Well you'll already have a home court advantage.. If you keep your enthusiasm high, you'll most likely win the game. If the team you'll be facing in the semi-finals has high enthusiasm too, then it'll be a different story. If not, should be a win for you. I'd save the enthusiasm till finals (assuming you make it to the finals).

From: Murl

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206409.4 in reply to 206409.3
Date: 1/13/2012 11:44:08 PM
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thanks for the advise. have you every seen a team like his though. He averages 2.4-2-6 OD rating and only plays 2-3 zone with a base offense.

From: Tmu1988

To: Murl
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206409.5 in reply to 206409.4
Date: 1/14/2012 12:04:16 AM
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Not sure about that, but checked his player list and found out that his best players' game shapes are messed up.. The best player on his team, the 22k SG's game shape is average(6), his 15,5k PF's game shape is average(6), 10k PF's game shape is average(6).. His PG's and C's game shapes are strong(7). I compared the game shapes of his team's players with your team's players, and found out that nearly every important player of your team has proficient(9)! That's huge difference. Unless he works on getting better game shapes before the finals (which I expect him not to do), you'll win no doubt. For instance, his 22k SG with average game shape plays like 10k SG :D

From: Murl

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206409.6 in reply to 206409.5
Date: 1/14/2012 4:13:40 AM
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Thanks again and I'm very appreciative. Thanks for noticing I've work very hard on gameshape all season the lowest I've had was 1 mediocre(injury) 1 avg.(off TL).You team not bad either. Good luck in the playoffs but I doubt you'll need it won't comment on you record until it's complete.

From: Murl

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206409.8 in reply to 206409.7
Date: 1/14/2012 9:35:28 PM
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Thanks for the advice! I put D first in life and BB so that going to be the easy. I haven't tried R&G because I need to get st to pop for my 15k players with low STA but I trust you and with give it a go.