A team ususaly has some sponsors (and advertisers) who bring money to them.
The TV money alone does not hold a team, and any channel that will see half a division just tanking will not like to make a deal with that division.
Hence, the TV money should be splitted into - TV money (money that is promised, and needs to be much smaller), and Sponsors money (a sponsor expect that the teams moeny will be used, hence why does he need to invest?).
The difference between the sponsors money, the audience income and the TV income:
The sponsors money will be defined upon the amount of success and team's money a team used - A tanker team who isn't able to win the title, will make the invester mad, and he will lower drastically the money he invests at.
A sponsor wants to see that the maximum had been reached with his investment.
He does not care about that game or the other, and hence this money is gurranteed throughout the season, but will be pissed of to know that a team just used it for the chairman or for a future season.
TV income - defined upon the average salary-expences a division is paying. This money is secured.
Audience only care about the results at the field - They are concern about previous games and season, but does not care whether their money had been used.
Last edited by Pini פיני at 1/14/2012 10:36:19 AM