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Isolation offenses

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Date: 2/27/2012 8:37:19 AM
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Please have a look at my latest PL match, where I wanted to try Inside Isolation with my best inside scorers at the 3 and 4. I expected the mismatch to be chosen at the 3.
It ended up in a shooting night for my PG. He took by far the most points, and most of them came from the outside, although he has decent passing so he should have been able to get the ball to my inside players.

What happened there? My opponent played Outside Iso and his PF took most of the shots, which is weird to me as well.

Lately the BBs stated that the mismatch (the 1 player for the iso) is chosen ahead of tipoff. But what happened there? I never got this tactic working as expected. It often does the opposite of what is intended. That sucks, being not able to use these new tactics, where new is a bit outdated in the meantime, as those things exist for some seasons now...

Last edited by Thunder Dan at 2/27/2012 8:37:39 AM

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211601.2 in reply to 211601.1
Date: 2/27/2012 8:51:19 AM
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Is your PG that bad?
Now that I remember, this happened to me too, but different: Chose Outside Iso and an inside player was the top scorer.

Perhaps it has to do with mismatches...

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211601.3 in reply to 211601.1
Date: 2/27/2012 9:11:37 AM
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You were facing 2-3 zone thats the big reason.Iso works like motion when you play against M2M or if you face a zone deppendig ont he tipe of zone it turns to be ouside or inside no matter what affiliation you choose.Where they spot a hole in the deffence there goes the ball in this case youre PG was getting open looks so he takes the majority of the shots .

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211601.4 in reply to 211601.3
Date: 2/27/2012 10:26:24 AM
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Is it that simple? So why did my opponent - choosing to play Outside Iso - ended up mit his PF taking the majority of shots?

I suspect it´s far more complicate.
And as I said, my PG has decent PS (14).

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211601.5 in reply to 211601.4
Date: 2/27/2012 10:34:37 AM
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Youre has descent passing but also nobody is guarding him and obviously his PF is his best outside mismach if youre PF have something like 2-3 OD ...

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211601.6 in reply to 211601.5
Date: 2/27/2012 10:49:16 AM
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Youre has descent passing but also nobody is guarding him and obviously his PF is his best outside mismach if youre PF have something like 2-3 OD ...

Still, that´s not what these offense tactics should work like.
"Inside Isolation: Your team finds their best inside scorer. Normal Pace. "

Actually, I don´t care whether or not my PG has a good chance to succeed with his JS, I told them to search for my best inside scorer. With your interepretation, I don´t need to set any special tactics. That´s not how the game engine should work.

Same with my opponent. A ton of his shots have been inside shots.
I just want to get those tactics fixed, so that we can use them the way they should work - according to the game manual. I don´t need a tactic, where my team finds my best inside scorer but doesn´t pass him the ball at all...

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211601.7 in reply to 211601.6
Date: 2/27/2012 11:02:58 AM
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It seems reasonable in real life. Isolation is less likely to be effective against a zone. Perhaps it behaves like a base offense in this situation.

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211601.8 in reply to 211601.6
Date: 2/27/2012 12:01:22 PM
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My interpretation has always been that you find your best mismatched inside scorer. With a zone I'm not exactly sure how the matchups work, but the prevailing wisdom is that they'll look for whichever of your players has the greatest mismatch, in this case in inside scoring. Using all hypothetical numbers, if your center has 17 IS, but the opponent's center has 15 ID, but meanwhile your PG has 7 IS and the guy guarding him is at 2 ID, the PG will get the majority of the shots because he's more disproportionate to the player guarding him. Likewise with your opponent- if his PF has 12 JS and your PF has 5 OD, that's probably their greatest mismatch.

It's not a perfect system, or a great description in the game manual, but there's ways to play it to your advantage.