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Rubber Band Effect

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From: TomShoe
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Date: 3/4/2012 11:07:36 PM
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I have a trainee, and a few of his skills are very low.

Ben Purcell (23479925) Point Guard

Owner: Seven City Knights

Weekly salary: $ 3 740
Role: rotation player

DMI: 13000
Age: 18
Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Potential: perennial allstar
Game Shape: strong
Jump Shot: respectable Jump Range: average ↑
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: average
Driving: respectable Passing: average
Inside Shot: awful Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: atrocious Shot Blocking: atrocious
Stamina: atrocious Free Throw: awful

Experience: atrocious

Do I have to train Rebounding and Shot Blocking up so I won't get hit with the effect? I thought I wouldn't have to because that's a big man skill.

From: Lucifer

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212069.2 in reply to 212069.1
Date: 3/4/2012 11:48:57 PM
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You are right. They are big man skills. They should have minimal effect, if at all they have any effect, so don't worry.

"Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it."
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212069.3 in reply to 212069.1
Date: 3/5/2012 4:20:10 AM
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but he is quite big for a guard, so it can make sense even when i also doubt that the elastic(or rubber band effect) on JS/JR training will be affected by IS/Reb/SB.

His starting skills are imho to low for a SF, but i think the big men skills on guard ain't bad and with a bit of effort you can push his ID that he is atleast an sparetime SF.

PS: i move this to help.

From: Kidds

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212069.4 in reply to 212069.3
Date: 3/5/2012 12:51:30 PM
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can anyone explain what is Rubber Band effect???

From: Eagle

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212069.6 in reply to 212069.5
Date: 3/5/2012 4:02:07 PM
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+1 :)

Last edited by Eagle at 3/5/2012 4:02:16 PM

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212069.7 in reply to 212069.1
Date: 3/5/2012 5:16:51 PM
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I would train him as a guard. Ignore shot-blocking, rebounding, IS and ID. At least for now. He has good SF size but those skills are just way too low to go that direction.

His starting guard skills are good but I wouldn't focus on JR. Get the OD up as much as you can and then move to Passing. The JR will improve as your train JS so no need to really focus on it (I think that far too many people train JR to a high level at the expense of passing, which is a bad trade off).

That would be my opinion anyways.

From: Bballin

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212069.9 in reply to 212069.8
Date: 3/5/2012 9:42:26 PM
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Tbh when I saw the title I thought this was going to be like JosephKas prodige and he would have uncovered some training formula similiar to that of the elastic effect. You could have imagined my surprise.

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212069.10 in reply to 212069.1
Date: 3/6/2012 4:08:36 AM
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Elastic effect won't hit his skills, but cross training will. He has three Atrociouses and two Awfuls. This means that whenever cross training hits one of those five skills, you will lose some of your traning on primary trained skill and compansate on cross-trained skill. This is just a rough estimation, but whenever cross trianing hits an atrocious, you will probably lose 15% of training on primary trained skill.

This could be offset by training these low skills first, but you will lose more this way. So it's better to just suck it up and hope cross-training doesn't hit those five low skills too often.

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212069.11 in reply to 212069.10
Date: 3/10/2012 7:08:16 PM
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Newb here: wth do you mean by cross training?