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From: Fanas
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Date: 3/6/2012 12:41:16 PM
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Hello, colegues

I got this problem with substitutions : I dont manage to equaly distribute minutes to my players. No matter what i set in "sibstitutions" thing, it always hapens that my starters gets much more minutes than bench players (about 40/8) and thats decrease forms of my starters and 30/18 would be much better. I think that some of the reasons might be a big skill difference between my starters and bench and quite good stamina of my starters so they dont get tired. So, what are the best things that i can do? (sorry for my pour english:)

Last edited by Fanas at 3/6/2012 12:42:24 PM

From: chihorn
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212164.3 in reply to 212164.2
Date: 3/6/2012 2:47:50 PM
New York Chunks
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I concur with the previous post. This is why I think a smart manager will either have starters with really high Stamina or will have bench players that a coach will play while trying to win the game. Your coach basically has to decide which player will be better, your tired starter or your fresh bench player. If the difference in skills between the two players is too great, then the starter will get extra minutes. I personally think it's better to have depth on your roster as a higher priority than a starting lineup of superstars, otherwise you might end up with a lineup of superstars that are difficult to keep high in Game Shape...

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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212164.4 in reply to 212164.2
Date: 3/6/2012 3:13:31 PM
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It doesn't happen only to the starters. There are times when a substitute is doing really well and the coach will give him some more minutes than regular.