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Having a hard time searching threads

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From: Eagle
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Date: 3/10/2012 7:43:23 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

Hey guys I'm having having a hard time searching threads. Besides thread IDs (how can you remember those?), is there a way for me to seach the name or key words of a thread?

I know there's this magical Google, but still :)


Last edited by Eagle at 3/10/2012 7:44:40 PM

From: yodabig

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212449.2 in reply to 212449.1
Date: 3/10/2012 9:37:51 PM
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Become a supporter. We have an extra feature called amazingly enough "search".

Last edited by yodabig at 3/10/2012 9:38:04 PM

From: yodabig

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212449.4 in reply to 212449.3
Date: 3/11/2012 5:34:13 AM
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True. Just a day or two ago I was trying to find the thread that had the link to the online potential calculator. I knew it had the words "potential calculator" in the thread but do you think search found the thread easily?