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Date: 3/25/2012 11:49:42 PM
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Can any1 explain to me the huge difference in merchandise bonus between those two players?

(13506912) +13k
(10909757) +33k

Both are domestic NT players, ratings of the latter player are much better - total amount of skills probably about equal (SF got more), however the difference is more than 20k per week! I dont understand how it can be that much.

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213367.2 in reply to 213367.1
Date: 3/26/2012 3:18:59 AM
Aussie Pride
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How do u know what the merchandise bonus is?

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213367.3 in reply to 213367.2
Date: 3/26/2012 3:41:30 AM
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Comparing the money I got before and after those players joined my club.

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213367.4 in reply to 213367.1
Date: 3/26/2012 4:02:55 AM
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is stückler just in the nationalteam or is he playing?(with a similiar role then the other)

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213367.6 in reply to 213367.4
Date: 3/26/2012 7:48:36 AM
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is stückler just in the nationalteam or is he playing?(with a similiar role then the other)

I compared two weeks those players were starting for the NT squad. If there is a merchandise bonus for Allstar nomination the merchndise bonus is even bigger in Pacher's favor.

Salary is something to consider also you know.

So? Different positions have different salaries, so following you reasoning a domestic NT starting center with 250k+ salary would bring 60-90k merchandise? Does not compute for me.

Last edited by hupfingatsch ihm sein Knecht at 3/26/2012 7:52:58 AM

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213367.7 in reply to 213367.6
Date: 3/26/2012 7:57:00 AM
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salary play a big role in merch calculation, but i don't think it is the only explanation(and thats not a formula on positions). The ASG have no impact on it.

maybe that you sold your first NT first before you buy Pachers, let the merch decline a bit at a first step.

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213367.8 in reply to 213367.7
Date: 3/26/2012 8:43:56 AM
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okay, lets take a closer look.

26.12.2011 $ 48 377
02.01.2012 $ 47 651
09.01.2012 $ 45 210
16.01.2012 $ 56 386 - bought Pacher on 21st
23.01.2012* $ 78 037
30.01.2012 $ 78 425 - sold Pacher on 3rd
06.02.2012 $ 52 560
13.02.2012 $ 43 574
20.02.2012 $ 28 850
27.02.2012 $ 39 684 - bought Stückler on 29th
05.03.2012 $ 44 617 - Stückler joined NT
12.03.2012 $ 45 806 - Stückler starts for NT
19.03.2012 $ 58 353
26.03.2012 $ 58 859

paid $0 salaries that week - maybe I got a short boost, because I won relegation.

Looking at the dates of the transactions I miscalculated the bonus for Pacher, he was worth 22k merchandise money, which is not that much more than Stückler.

I dont like how merchandise is calculated as you never know how it is calculated and what influences the amount of money you make. Small jump in the week of 16th january is a riddle to me, dont know why that would be...

From: CrazyEye

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213367.10 in reply to 213367.9
Date: 3/26/2012 9:14:30 AM
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witht eh current number i would leave it with the salry fact, the small up and downs now are the performance.

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213367.11 in reply to 213367.8
Date: 3/29/2012 11:39:41 PM
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Winning and losing league games also effect your merchandise from week to week.

Just because your player is in the NT doesnt mean he will boost your merchandise. The amount of time he plays on the NT and his salary also effects your merchandise.

So lots of factors involved.