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Date: 4/12/2012 10:40:59 PM
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I'm only showing 21 players scouted will the rest of the players on the list start showing up there are a lot of 5 ball draftees not showing up I have no idea what position they are...... I'm a new owner and my team is tanking so I'm in line at the moment for the 2nd pick. Thanks for the help

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214404.2 in reply to 214404.1
Date: 4/13/2012 12:17:35 AM
Aussie Pride
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How have u spent your scouting points? sounds like you just did the group demo but i want to be sure. Did u do the scouting combine?

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214404.3 in reply to 214404.2
Date: 4/13/2012 2:01:15 AM
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Your correct I did a group demo for 10 pts and I'm out of points

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214404.4 in reply to 214404.1
Date: 4/13/2012 3:30:12 AM
Aussie Pride
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Ok. The initial grey ball ratings are pretty much useless. What you have done is scout the players who were initially 1 or 2 grey balls. If you do the Scouting Combine it will give u heights and ages but the useless grey ball rating will stay. There isn't that much time left to scout so it might be better to concentrate on the 21 players u have so far. Of the 21 how many are 18 years old with either 4 or 5 orange balls? I would just get enough points to interview these players.

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214404.5 in reply to 214404.3
Date: 4/19/2012 7:14:45 AM
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Second Team:
Silver Onions
if I am correct you have 3 weeks of gathering scouting points.

count the number of 4 and 5 orange balls you currently now.
3 weeks is maximum 12 points. to do the second scouting cost 2 points each. So you can maximum scout 6 players for a second time.

When making the list. put the once with the highest potential, the highest.

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